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  1. wepee

    Using a Dahua camera to be a PEST repellant? Feasible?

    Good idea, but where I am living this gun is not available and is restricted to a law enforcer.
  2. wepee

    Using a Dahua camera to be a PEST repellant? Feasible?

    Good point, how loud does the Dahua blaring noise produce? Not overly loud right? I don't know, because I don't own one with this kind of feature.
  3. wepee

    Using a Dahua camera to be a PEST repellant? Feasible?

    Hi guys, I am researching new Dahua cameras in recent days for a mini project about repelling stray cats. Although I had some Dahua cameras in the past, they are basic entry-level old school ones. I haven't been catching up with the latest technologies for a number of years now. So hoping...
  4. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    @Caspy Hi, which IMOU model is working? Is it the IPC-A42P-B Do you mind sharing? Thank you.
  5. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    Do you happen to have Blue Iris App running on your phone, does it works with the two-way talk feature?
  6. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    Guys, Does anyone owe an IMOU Ranger 2 (2MP) Model: IPC-A22EP? If you do, can you please let me know whether PTZ is working by following the instructions of: goldriver It seems like this instruction is only working for the following IMOU models with 4MP camera sensors: 1) IMOU Ranger 2 (4MP)...
  7. wepee

    EZVIZ C6N in Blue Iris - PTZ and audio not working

    Yes, same as me, I thought Imou Ranger2 is actually an OEM of Amcrest ASH21 and Amcrest cameras are fully supported by BI. But unfortunately is not.
  8. wepee

    EZVIZ C6N in Blue Iris - PTZ and audio not working

    Another option is to spend $$$ can get a properly supported camera like Dahua, Hikvision & Uniview.
  9. wepee May 1 2022 - PTZ Control Feauture

    Ok, then I upgraded to v5.5.6.19 release on the 3rd of May 2022. Follow the instruction of tech101's instruction NO go! It does not work on my IMOU Ranger 2 camera Same as UI3 web interface.:embarrassed:
  10. wepee

    EZVIZ C6N in Blue Iris - PTZ and audio not working

    So how come you didn't stick with Digoo cameras? If I am not mistaken.....I might be wrong here, so take it with a pinch of salt. Probably......ONVIF compliant cameras are the source of the problem here. Sometimes, the manufacturer states the camera is an ONVIF compliant camera, but in...
  11. wepee

    EZVIZ C6N in Blue Iris - PTZ and audio not working

    As far as I know, these kinds of cheap cameras are not fully supported by BI, just like the Dahua Imou series cameras. If you have email support available from BI, drop Ken an email and ask for help. For time being, the workaround solution is to install EZVIZ app on your smart phone and use the...
  12. wepee May 1 2022 - PTZ Control Feauture

    Off the topic a little bit, but can this make it work on the cheap DAHUA Imou ranger 2 camera? :) I tried but no response. :confused: I am using the older version of BI v5.4.4.8.
  13. wepee

    Blue Iris + Imou Ranger 2- Setting up RTSP Sub stream.

    If you read the entire post, it sure does support. xxxxx - denotes the safety code on the camera, this can be found underneath the camera. yyyyyyyy - denotes the fixed IP address of the camera. rtsp: / = take note there sure be double forward slash "/" just after the colon ":" not single one...
  14. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    All ok got it. Did you try @goldriver solution to get PTZ working?
  15. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    @eggsan Thanks for your input, but the discussion is not about DMSS. It is about finding a working solution as to how can BI work with Imou cameras. I know temporarily I can use its camera app to get your PTZ working. But it would be nice if I can control PTZ movement thru BI running on my...
  16. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    @goldriver, are you connected to your Imou Cruiser 4P using wireless or network cable?
  17. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    Hi thanks for sharing this information, Btw, does this method also works on other IMOU PTZ cameras like the Ranger 2?
  18. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    YUP you right, keep away from using those IMOU cameras. I bought a couple units of IMOU Ranger2 cameras, because I couldn't find AMCREST cameras locally in my country unless I bought it from Amazon, which I don't like it that way.
  19. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    Just forget what I said earlier, I got completely confused with the camera model numbers. I thought this thread was supposed to be talking about the IMOU Ranger2 PT cameras. My bad :banghead:
  20. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    Yup my bad, you are referring a bullet camera :D
  21. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    @nejakejnick , did you manage to get PTZ function in BI working on you IMOU IPC-F22A camera?
  22. wepee

    Dahua IMOU camera owners, please share your information here! Thank you.

    @SouthernYankee Referring to : "I have a number of IPC-K42 cameras, the first one I received worked right out of the box. The next two required that I connect to the internet , register with my cell phone to down load the software from there APP, There was no camera web interface or IP address...
  23. wepee

    How to update BI to v5.4.4.8? Mine just stuck cannot finish downloading

    Hi guys, Does anyone experiencing problem updating BI. I just purchased an Extended support and Maintenance License Key. But when I want to update the current system from BI v5.4.3.12 to v5.4.4.8, BI just could finish downloading. It just stuck there forever. :confused: Close BI software and...
  24. wepee

    IPCT IPCT & Amcrest Partnership - Discounted Products

    Hi All, I am bit puzzled. Is this Amcrest 4MP Wifi PTZ Indoor Camera - $74.99 really OEM product from Dahua? I could not find more info from Dahua using Google search Thanks.
  25. wepee

    Foscam R2 camera suffers pixelation when HA (HW decode) is turned on.

    @wittaj Good try, but still no go. I tested the Foscam R2 camera using the network port, unfortunately pixelation would appear on any moving object, as soon as I turned on HW decode = Intel. So let this be my lesson - Foscam camera does not supports BI HW decoding :( Except, older generation...
  26. wepee

    Foscam R2 camera suffers pixelation when HA (HW decode) is turned on.

    Ok then at this point, I think I should leave it as it is. Yes, I did, ok I will let BI change the Max rate automatically. The camera is running on Wifi N connected to a Wif AX access point. Roger that. Noted. @wittaj Thank you for your kind assistance. :clap:
  27. wepee

    Foscam R2 camera suffers pixelation when HA (HW decode) is turned on.

    @wittaj By making the changes as you have described did not solve the pixelation problem.:(
  28. wepee

    Foscam R2 camera suffers pixelation when HA (HW decode) is turned on.

    @SouthernYankee This picture was taken when I panned the camera (with HA Hardware decode = Default)
  29. wepee

    Blue Iris + Imou Ranger 2- Setting up RTSP Sub stream.

    Just wondering has anyone got an idea what this suppose to mean? Please see below.: Does it means this camera are able to do DUAL streaming? The connected camera is an Imou Ranger 2 However when check on my old Foscam camera, model: FI9831w which does supports Dual streaming, it shows: a...
  30. wepee

    Blue Iris + Imou Ranger 2- Setting up RTSP Sub stream.

    @wittaj Alright cool