Using a Dahua camera to be a PEST repellant? Feasible?


Getting the hang of it
Jul 16, 2016
Hi guys,

I am researching new Dahua cameras in recent days for a mini project about repelling stray cats.
Although I had some Dahua cameras in the past, they are basic entry-level old school ones.

I haven't been catching up with the latest technologies for a number of years now.
So hoping someone can enlighten me about it which I am going to undertake.
I notice the modern high-end Dahua cameras have a number of features:

1) Auto-tracking (I would like auto-tracking stray cats using BI build-in Deepstack AI)
2) Blaring siren with blinking lights
3) Recorded voice message to scare off intruders? Not sure if this feature is available or not.

Problem: Where I am living there are a lot of stray cats that often trespass on my car porch
during wee hours of the night.

Some will sleep over on my car roof, sometimes they will leave scratch marks on the car bonnets,
or worst still, sometimes they pee on my shoes or vomit out half-digested food, scratch the soil
of my wife's potted plants.

This problem has been going on for months and the only method to deter them from intruding
my property is to constantly spraying vinegar before going to bed.

When the smell vinegar evaporated or wash away by rain. Those stray cats will be back again.

Now the latest annoyance is they will poo all the driveway, so when my car wheels roll past unknowingly,
the poo will stuck in the tyre grooves and leave a horrible foul stinky smell in my car porch area.
I have to wash it down with my garden hose.

Enough is enough.......:mad:

Solution: I saw my opposite neighbour is using this kind of rechargeable pest repellant.
She commented that this device does work well, however, it is rechargeable, and the batteries
require frequent charging.

Ultrasonic Animal Repellant

Suddenly, I got an idea, how about using a Dahua camera instead........ since I am planning to install
my front porch with new cameras anyway. I can probably use the Dahua camera to scare off
the pesky cats with blaring siren and blinking lights

So it is possible to use Dahua cameras and Deepstack AI to fend off these stray cats?

Appreciate your help and guidance. :)

Thank you.
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Sure, an active deterrence camera or a camera that has a built-in speaker would likely cause them to run.
But I would imagine that blaring sound and flashing lights will not go over well with your neighbors at 3am.
why not just spend a few nights outside with a pellet gun and tag them in the ass. It won't kill them but will hurt enough that they probably will never come back.

You could combine it with the active deterrent cam by recording the pellet gun sound. After a few nights of using the gun, the cats will learn to associate the noise with pain and when the cam spots a cat and plays that sound, they will run away.
But I would imagine that blaring sound and flashing lights will not go over well with your neighbors at 3am.
Good point, how loud does the Dahua blaring noise produce? Not overly loud right?
I don't know, because I don't own one with this kind of feature.
why not just spend a few nights outside with a pellet gun and tag them in the ass. It won't kill them but will hurt enough that they probably will never come back.
Good idea, but where I am living this gun is not available and is restricted to a law enforcer.
Maybe try one of the motion activated sprinklers.
Good idea, I did some spend sometime just now researching about this kind of approach.
The drawback is if the device detects a human walking along my car porch.
It will. I used one to keep these big pterodactyl-looking herons away from the fish in my pond. Worked well. But yeah, the downside is they'll activate on any motion.

Get a dog... or a big mean cat of your own. lol
Good point, how loud does the Dahua blaring noise produce? Not overly loud right?
It is adjustable, I think. But if it needs to scare the cats away, it would have to be pretty loud, don't you think?
Good idea, but where I am living this gun is not available and is restricted to a law enforcer.
Well how about a slingshot? Or a bow and arrow with a fat rubber point. Or a trap and release them somewhere else.
Latest New camera there has a problem, SMD will filter the animals. :(
It is adjustable, I think. But if it needs to scare the cats away, it would have to be pretty loud, don't you think?
Ya, you got a point. I am thinking of using the camera to activate a sprinkler, to chase off the cats.
  • Haha
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