Capture beacon requests over wifi being broadcasted from peoples phones in their pocket/car as they walk/drive by
Log the "timestamp" and "signal" strength into a dump file
Write a loop script that checks the last 100 lines of the dump for MAC address and timestamps to filter out beacons...
Hey Guys,
How do i configure BI to record a new clip for every new trigger within a short timeframe?
for example, if a person walks through a entry/exit door with the breaktime set to 60sec
then 30sec later another person walks into frame, sure i get a slightly longer clip if the 2nd person...
Hey guys, just wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing this issue in the latest update..
when looking at "All Cameras" and selecting "confirmed alerts" i get no results.
but, selecting an individual camera, confirmed alerts are shown.
Yes, I've cleared browser cache etc, same issue...
Hey guys,
So I've run into a bandwidth problem when connecting 6x remote cameras to BI over WAN, I'm using the mainstreams and it works well with 100Mbit up/down, but the latency becomes at issue when using the WAN for other tasks like samba/browsing etc.
I've tried using QoS from the router...
Hey guys,
I've recently switched over to CodeProject after using DS for some time, but now I'm noticing my alerts have multiple frames around cars,people etc, its like DS and Codeproject are both overlaying results...
anyway, pretty sure I've seen this issue before, below is a screenshot for...
I block my BI machine from the internet completely, recently ive been playing with the FTP function to send alerts from BI over LAN to a HomeAssistant VM (where i trust the security of a lightweight linux distro vs Micro$oft) and then access the HA console via the internet.
Hey guys,
So recently I've noticed that some of my cameras when getting triggered by cars or people using ProjectAI, the playback of the "confirmed alert" in the UI3 interface starts playing around 30sec AFTER the alert was detected
if i right-click the alert in UI3 and check the screenshot...
Hey guys, sorry for the n00b question, but first time loading these custom models, do i just copy the file to my c:\deepstack\sharedfiles folder? and they start getting used?
yeah the staff are not good with tech, it did cross my mind to create accounts and get them to use the UI3, but i need something even more simple, maybe a home assistant panel with a simple "switch"
Hey guys,
Does anyone know any solutions where i could use a 24/7 powered smartphone attached to a wall to be used as an alarm keypad to arm/disarm my blueiris profile?.
I currently use blueiris to send an alarm wav file to my PoE siren speakers when deepstack detects people outside of...