Arm / Disarm profile via smartphone


Young grasshopper
Mar 15, 2022
Hey guys,

Does anyone know any solutions where i could use a 24/7 powered smartphone attached to a wall to be used as an alarm keypad to arm/disarm my blueiris profile?.

I currently use blueiris to send an alarm wav file to my PoE siren speakers when deepstack detects people outside of business hours, but sometimes staff enter the building during these hours too.

So i wanted to setup an old smartphone next to the door where they could punch in a PIN number on entry then disarm the cameras by switching blueiris's "profile status" from "active" to "disable".

I'm thinking some basic keypad app installed on the phone that supports MQTT / IFTTT so i can send commands to the blueiris server.

Maybe someone knows of a solution like this already in the wild, let me know...

What about just creating a username for each staff member and they log into UI3 and change the profile.

This would require trust on your part that they are somewhat computer illiterate and can follow your basic but simple instructions.

Or depending on number of employees, buy the app that is on each phone and geofence a profile change.

Or create like you said a basic keypad app that then sends a command to change the profile.

Lots of options.
What about just creating a username for each staff member and they log into UI3 and change the profile.

This would require trust on your part that they are somewhat computer illiterate and can follow your basic but simple instructions.

Or depending on number of employees, buy the app that is on each phone and geofence a profile change.

Or create like you said a basic keypad app that then sends a command to change the profile.

Lots of options.

yeah the staff are not good with tech, it did cross my mind to create accounts and get them to use the UI3, but i need something even more simple, maybe a home assistant panel with a simple "switch"
Any chance a nearby camera has an unused input available?

My thought is to install a dry contact arm/disarm key switch that would connect via the camera input. Less points of failure, no need for power to be installed.

Of course this concept is only successful of BI can be set-up to toggle profiles based on the state of the camera input. I confess I am not yet versed in this area of BI's abilities.
NFC tags? That's about as easy as it gets for a user. Assuming they all have capable phones at least. You could either program on the backend to distinguish users/function or just stick a bunch up there and have them scan 'their' tags.