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  1. D

    How are you dealing with motion at night with just IR?

    I believe the Guassian/Simple setting can not be set per profile. So if you set it, it will be for all profiles !
  2. D

    Tasker and BlueIris

    Unless having your VPN open 24/7 ..
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    Tasker and BlueIris

    I don't think there is anything you can do on that front ...
  4. D

    Blue Iris Video Tutorials

    Great videos. Just wondering, you say you normally only use zone crossing during the day (to cancel shadow movements). But how do you cut down on false triggers during the night then ?
  5. D

    Tasker and BlueIris

    Still need to setup notifications, but this is how I am doing it within tasker: If Launching app 'BlueIris' And Not profile active 'Home Wifi' then OpenVpnConnect. This connect to my VPN whenever I open BI. However, it takes a while to initialize the VPN so BI will timeout the first time. Then...
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    4.8.2 - October 2, 2018

    Seems like this update broke my UI3 webinterface :-/
  7. D

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    Might be a good idea to add PiVPN to the opening post ? Really easy to setup !
  8. D

    Posting motion zone information in alerts

    I don't think so. Probably you could fake such a thing by duplicating the camera ?
  9. D

    Blue Iris and IFTTT or Stringify

    Why not use the JSON api ?
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    How to view streams via JSON api without adding username/pw to http request

    Thx ! Want to check how hard it would be to view BI on a Android Wear device.
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    How to view streams via JSON api without adding username/pw to http request

    Hi, I'm looking into the JSON api. Is there a way to retrieve the video stream from a camera without adding the username & password in plain text to the http request ? Br, Devastator
  12. D

    Running BI in Virtualbox, will Intel hardware acceleration work?

    But how can you verify this before purchasing ?
  13. D

    Blue Iris picture frame / UI3 camera viewing station

    Looks awesome ! Curious about the end result
  14. D

    Running BI in Virtualbox, will Intel hardware acceleration work?

    Do you have an additional GPU as well in that build, or does the machine only have an internal GPU ?
  15. D

    Script to powercycle POE port on ubiquity switch

    Hi, Attached a quick python script I created to powercycle a POE port on my Ubiquity EdgeSwitch in case BlueIris reports a "signal lost". You need python 3.x to run it. Usage: python.exe --ip <ip of switch> --username <username> --password <password> --interfaces <intf>...
  16. D

    Recommendation for rack mounted ESXI server

    That processor would be a bit overkill for my needs :-) Max 8x 3MP cams.
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    Recommendation for rack mounted ESXI server

    How about an i3-8100 (Coffee Lake)
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    Recommendation for rack mounted ESXI server

    @ceef: You have any idea about the power consumption of your system ? I've read somebody got it working on a Xeon, just curious about how much power it draws ...
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    Recommendation for rack mounted ESXI server

    @bobfather: thanks for trying. Which version of esxi are you using ? EDIT: nvm, i saw you used 6.5. Although I've seen some positve results...
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    Recommendation for rack mounted ESXI server

    Hi, Would this be OK ?Intel Core i7-7700
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    Recommendation for rack mounted ESXI server

    Have you tried running it with gpu passthrough ? Any idea about the power usage of your system ?
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    Recommendation for rack mounted ESXI server

    Nobody uses BlueIris with ESXI ?
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    Recommendation for rack mounted ESXI server

    Yep, I have a micro ATX which is a bit bigger than that. I'm using an I5-3330 for now (but without ESXI)
  24. D

    Recommendation for rack mounted ESXI server

    Hi, I recently purchased this case: thinking that my current mobo would fit, which ofcourse isn't the case ... So now I am looking for some new hardware. Anybody here using BlueIris on ESXI with intel...
  25. D

    In doubt for new turret cam with low light conditions

    Anybody else running 8 MP's with BlueIris and can comment on the the increase of load ?
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    In doubt for new turret cam with low light conditions

    Thx for the input guys. Any input on the load for BlueIris when running at 15 fps ?
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    In doubt for new turret cam with low light conditions

    Thanks for your reply fenderman ! But what do you recommend then ? Are the other 2 OK ?
  28. D

    In doubt for new turret cam with low light conditions

    Hi, Currently I'm running 3x 3MP cams at 15 fps in BlueIris on an i5-3330 with ~ 17% CPU usage. I want to extend with 2 more cams, that will have to operate in low light conditions. I'm doubting between 3 cams: - DS-2CD2385FWD-I - IPC-HDW4231EM-AS - DS-2CD2335FWD-I Probably the...
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    BlueIris i7-7700T CPU Usage

    25 fps is really a lot. Try changing it to 15 or even 12, that is more than enough.