Blue Iris and IFTTT or Stringify


Young grasshopper
Dec 3, 2017
Hi, is there a way for Blue Iris to receive inputs from IFTTT or Stringify so I can change profiles based on other home automations events?

For example, I can have Stringify monitor new emails sorted by label in gmail. Because of this, I could have my send an email notification when the alarm arm state changes. Stringify could monitor this, and change the profile of Blue Iris. Is this possible?

I too would be very interested in this,

I find the geofence option very flakey and would love to have blue iris switch to my home profile based on a trigger from IFTTT or Stringify

Hopefully someone out there can help
I have not found any way to do this reliably.

There was an app here a while ago called Dashrunner that did some lightweight integration between BI and IFTTT. Unfortunately the author of the app has not posted in a year so it's kind of a dead end.

The big problem with IFTTT using email alerts thru Gmail is that IFTTT can take up to ten minutes to process so you end up with BI notifications of movement etc during that window.

Super frustrating I know. :(