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  1. D

    My BI custom server build

    What is the power consumption ?
  2. D

    Share your BlueIris PC specs

    Could we maybe also add power consumption ? With the rising electricity prices, this becomes more and more important.
  3. D

    Another wheel theft

    Could you give an example/link of such an alarm ?
  4. D

    Blue Iris outputs

    And you can also trigger the pins on an arduino, I believe
  5. D

    Finished another install using HP Machine with BI Turret cams.

    You attach it with tape then ?
  6. D

    Finished another install using HP Machine with BI Turret cams.

    Just being curious here ... How is the fishing rod used to install the cables ?
  7. D

    Best deal on Imporx (Huisun) v2!

    I'd be interested in some installation pics and night snapshots !
  8. D

    I made a better remote-live-view page [OLD]

    Nice mockup! Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 7 met Tapatalk
  9. D

    4.2.8 - January 7, 2016 - Hardware Acceleration

    Yeah, it would take me 5-6 years before it becomes profitable to use this box in stead of my current server.
  10. D

    4.2.8 - January 7, 2016 - Hardware Acceleration

    That is impressive ...
  11. D

    Power Consumption

    I was not referring to POE power as well. Just the amount of watt your BlueIris PC is using for recordings/motion detection. My cams are powered by a POE switch, I have not included that in the power usage.
  12. D

    Power Consumption

    Hi, Maybe it would be a good idea to share power consumption figures (and hardware) used of the server you are running BI on ... I'm running BI on an ESXI configuration and am hovering around 45 Watt at the moment. I think I could get it lower when not using ESXI and using the GPU offloading...
  13. D

    Alert on Mask but record on a different mask or no mask at all?

    Yep, it was the first mail I've sent to him after using BlueIris for like 1 week. That's been a few months already ...
  14. D

    Alert on Mask but record on a different mask or no mask at all?

    Being able to do it with 1 cam (so no duplication) would be a huge plus ! Especially because the (hidden) duplicated cams still show up in the mobile app :-(
  15. D

    24 8MP Cameras using Blue Iris (follow up)

    Guys, how about we get back on topic... ? :numbness:
  16. D

    4.2.6 - November 23, 2015

    For Hikvision, does it require alarm outputs ? If not, are all motion detection algorithms supported (Line crossing, intrusion detection, ...)
  17. D

    Different settings to the Hik cams at sunrise/sunset using Blue Iris event schedule

    Re: Different settings to the Hik cams at sunrise/sunset using Blue Iris event schedu Running BI as a service was the culprit. Disabling it fixes PTZ presets
  18. D

    Different settings to the Hik cams at sunrise/sunset using Blue Iris event schedule

    Re: Different settings to the Hik cams at sunrise/sunset using Blue Iris event schedu Thanks for this ! The scripts work when run fron the command line, but nothing happens when I change PTZ preset. Anyone else has this problem ?
  19. D

    Custom 4MP Firmware

    I might have missed the thinks that are possible on 2xx2 cams. You have a link ?
  20. D

    What is the Surveillance Center?

    I hope BlueIris will support this one day too ...
  21. D

    Day/night profiles and Hikvision

    Can you use 2 settings pages (day and night) when using this method (like @ruppmeister asked ?). Or is this better ?
  22. D

    Motion detection on day/night mode switch

    I believe you could also use an arduino (which is also supported by BI) and that can be purchased for a fraction of the price
  23. D

    Motion detection on day/night mode switch

    For the cams that don't have a alarm in, I use my HA (Homeseer) to trigger a manual recording.
  24. D

    purchased a full license, never received email

    No need to call names here. Some respect to Fendermann is in place, just look at the number of threads in which you helped people. You on the other hand only have 6 posts here (no pun intended).
  25. D

    User 'Cameras' with no password: do you have one?

    Mmmm, this is serious ! Don't have it on my system, also using the BI remote app.
  26. D

    Few questions about recordings

    Hi, Currently I'm only recording on motion events, but I want to switch to continuous (+ motion) recordings. I have 3 3MP Hikvision Cameras, 15 fps each. My questions: * I have a spare 500 GB 2,5 inch HDD from my laptop @ 7200 RPM. I suppose this is fast enough ? * Is the pre-trigger frames...
  27. D

    Motion detection on day/night mode switch

    Thanks again for your help fenderman !
  28. D

    Motion detection on day/night mode switch

    Mmmm, this could be a valid option. First I thought about adding a Z-Wave PIR on batteries, but this could be even better ... Will these PIR's be triggered when my outside lights are turned on at night ?