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  1. M

    IPC-HFW1831E bitrate higher than setting allows

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    IPC-HFW1831E bitrate higher than setting allows

    Camera bitrate set to CBR 8Mb/s, but I get bitrates higher than the maximum the camera is supposed to show. Camera accessed directly thru web interface. Zero network activity before logging in to camera. Firmware is 2.800.0000000.5.R.20200107. Any ideas?
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    IPC-HFW1831E IPC-HX2(1)XXX-Sag_Eng_PN 20220823

    Thank you for the information. You were able to roll back a 2.8xx firmware to 2.6xx using an NVR? Are your cameras connected directly to your NVR? I encountered some issues I didn't like when going from 2.6 to 2.8, but cannot roll back, at least using the camera's web interface.
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    IPC-HFW1831E IPC-HX2(1)XXX-Sag_Eng_PN 20220823

    KCO, just for clarification, you tried these different firmwares on IPC-HFW1831E? The progression reads as if you updated to a 2.800 firmware but was able to go back to a 2.6xx version?
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    Problem connecting Logitech 700e cameras to new router, opening new ports

    artosha, Did you have a password set on the Logitech POE adapters? For its time, this system was pretty much dead simple to install. Each camera has a powerline adapter with POE, with the primary adapter as the receiver, and that connects to the router. There really isn't much in the way of...
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    VPN noob looking for clarification/help

    That's how I interpreted the "both" of looney2ns screenshot. I'm hoping for the best where the setup will work as described like looney2ns said, where all my traffic will tunnel to my router, then to my home LAN or out to the WWW as I need to. I have a "standard" setup, with 192.168.1.x, no...
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    VPN noob looking for clarification/help

    That's a great diagram! Thank you! So if the hotel wifi has these ports blocked, then this VPN plan would not work? What is the Home PC "Stunnel"? I was going to set up OpenVPN on my Asus router, setup OpenVPN client on my laptop. Then when on hotel wifi, after signing in to portal page...
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    VPN noob looking for clarification/help

    Interesting....I actually use my home ISP thru the VPN, so everything I do will be like I am at home. I understand this better now, and anxious to test. Thank you everyone!
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    VPN noob looking for clarification/help

    Therefore setup my Asus router as OpenVPN server, laptop as client with certificate. Use the hotel wifi for online gaming, no VPN. When I want to connect to my cameras, initiate OpenVPN from my client laptop to my Asus router server. Do I have this correct so far?
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    VPN noob looking for clarification/help

    Same scenario, but remove the option of using the phone for anything and replace with hotel/public wifi? I'm simulating a worst case scenario, where the connection quality is so bad that using the phone as a hotspot isn't realistic.
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    VPN noob looking for clarification/help

    I have Spectrum internet at home, with an Asus router. Because I am becoming more unsure if I have presented my topic correctly, let me ask to the forum how I asked to myself. I have to go on a business trip. I was going to use my cell phone as a hot spot for internet service, including...
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    VPN noob looking for clarification/help

    So each device of my devices (Blue Iris server pc/phone/etc) would be a client, each needing a certificate to be accessible (gate/key analogy), using the VPN service as the encrypted tunnel between them? And my laptop, also a client, with a certificate, can use a VPN service to securely use...
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    VPN noob looking for clarification/help

    Thank you sir. And this would be applicable if I have a VPN service so I can use the hotel wifi safely, rather than only my router as server and phone as client?
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    VPN noob looking for clarification/help

    If I have interpreted correctly what I have read so far, the VPN service being used has to know where to send the traffic to, but the traffic should be encrypted. I am just unsure of the relationship between the VPN service and being able to access my cameras. So I was hoping someone who has...
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    VPN noob looking for clarification/help

    I've read assorted links, web pages, wiki, etc, but I hope forum members are gracious enough to offer more information so I am clear on what I need for what I want to accomplish. When I am away from home, I access my cameras thru my phone thru the LTE connection. I am already aware that my...
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    Am I doing something wrong, or does none of the Dahua software do what it claims to?

    Did you go Into the NVR interface there should be an info tab, you may see the model number of the NVR in this section. Additional info, including what SouthernYankee asked, may help the forum to be able to help you find a solution. Do you have to go to their house and operate the NVR, or do...
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    1831E bitrate issue since updating to 2.800 firmware

    My cameras came with this version DH_IPC-HX2(1)XXX-Sag_EngSpnFrn_NP_V2.622.0000000.18.R.190109. No issues until I updated to this version DH_IPC-HX2(1)XXX-Sag_EngSpnFrn_NP_V2.800.0000000.2.R.190404. I did see DH_IPC-HX2(1)XXX-Sag_EngSpnFrn_PN_V2.622.0000000.23.R.191101 but was unable to...
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    HFW-1831E - what really *is* the latest firmware (and do we care...)?

    FYI, the factory reset using the internal button made no difference.
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    HFW-1831E - what really *is* the latest firmware (and do we care...)?

    I've tried everything except the hardware reset. I don't have an explanation, but if I run the camera as intended, all default settings 8MP at 8Mb/s, I see bitrate variations and huge gaps in recordings in my NVR software. I didn't dig into it further because ultimately I'm sure it's...
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    HFW-1831E - what really *is* the latest firmware (and do we care...)?

    I own 3 of this model, and I should have followed the rule of if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I update 2 of three cameras to 2.800 firmware from 2.622. The two cameras I update to 2.800 exhibit what I would consider out of control bitrate. The bitrate is all over the place going from 4Mb to...
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    Physical reset button vs. factory defaulting thru camera web interface

    Is there any difference of results in these two methods? Is one better than the other, or will the end result of the camera state be the same via either method? If a user was having an issue with a camera would the button reset solve issues that a software factory default would not?
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    Dahua firmware

    mharalambous, I realize this is slightly off from your post topic, but want to let you know my information because I am in a similar situation where I want to roll back to a previous firmware. You may not be able to roll back to 2.622 from 2.800. I have a couple of 1831E that have strange...
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    1831E bitrate issue since updating to 2.800 firmware

    Has anyone else seen their IPC-HFW1831E bitrate acting strange with 2.800 firmware? Since updating my cameras to 2.800 firmware, I'm seeing bitrates twice, sometimes more, than what the camera is set at. (Set to 8Mb/s, but I see bitrates up to 16-20 Mb/s) I did not see this with 2.622...
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    Blue Iris 4 storage error notification?

    Wow, Tony, I can't thank you enough. I found the reference to the D: drive that must have carried over in the settings export. I created a new, stored, and alerts folder under the Blue Iris root folder on T: drive, restarted, and red message is gone. Thank you so much for helping me, and on a...
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    Blue Iris 4 storage error notification?

    Message in red still exists after updating db path
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    Blue Iris 4 storage error notification?

    OK, I now see one issue, I can't explain this either, the path in my screenshot is referencing BI3, I'm about to change that and send a new screenshot
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    Blue Iris 4 storage error notification?

    Tony, Was this what you asked for?
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    Blue Iris 4 storage error notification?

    Can anyone help me identify the cause of this that appears on the bottom of the BI4 window? This appears on a fresh BI4 install on a new W10 Pro PC. The BI DB is on C: drive (NVME drive) and the clips are stored on AV rated drive label T: I exported .reg from Win7 pc to new Win10 pc...
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    Redundancy for Surveillance Systems

    Then best practices would dictate secondary storage on site? Wouldn't you mitigate this by hoping to get footage of the criminal before they reach a point capable of cutting the internet line or smashing the NVR located inside the house? Once they're on the property, it's game on.