Dahua firmware

Dec 26, 2019
Hello forum,

My ip camera is a dahua IPC-HDBW2431R-ZS and firmware 2.800.0000013.0.R.2019-12-2.
The original firmware was 2.622.0000000.23.R. 2018-03-30. After upgrading it didn't work again but I can initialize it from my NVR.
Does anyone has the old firmware to roll it back and try to fix it?

Search around on the forum. There are a number of post from @EMPIRETECANDY than contain firmware.

Andy is the a forum member ne is an international seller of dahua and some hikvision camera.

sometimes it is better to use google to search the forum, in the google search bar
site:ipcamtalk.com ??????
where ?????? is the item you are searching for
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I did search the google and also the forum. I didn't found the firmware for this model but I found the firmware with the same version for other models.
I try to update it but without success. Maybe the firmware is not the right one,
Can @EMPIRETECANDY try to find the old one?
With the new sometimes its working sometimes not. Its not stable.
Hello forum,

My ip camera is a dahua IPC-HDBW2431R-ZS and firmware 2.800.0000013.0.R.2019-12-2.
The original firmware was 2.622.0000000.23.R. 2018-03-30. After upgrading it didn't work again but I can initialize it from my NVR.
Does anyone has the old firmware to roll it back and try to fix it?

Be sure to reset the cam back to defaults after any upgrade.
mharalambous, what suffix does your camera have?

As there's a /VFS and a -S2 versions available, and firmware is specific to a model or device. And if you fash the wrong firmware you'll end up software bricking it.
mharalambous, I realize this is slightly off from your post topic, but want to let you know my information because I am in a similar situation where I want to roll back to a previous firmware. You may not be able to roll back to 2.622 from 2.800. I have a couple of 1831E that have strange issue after 2.800 update and wanted to also roll back to 2.622, but I checked with Andy, and apparently I cannot because there is some type of security setting in newer firmware that prevent rollback to a previous firmware. I get this error. With no replies to my original post, I have little option other than to wait for next firmware update to see if issue resolved. This may or may not be applicable to your camera.

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apparently I cannot because there is some type of security setting in newer firmware that prevent rollback to a previous firmware

The main reason is the enhanced security in the newer firmware... With all the hacking going on they are trying to make the cameras a little more secure...

Just a thought.....
I thought that the firmware issue was something that only affects China region hardware, due to the English firmware for them being a hacked version.

At least that's what I think.
I did factory reset but the same issues.
msquared: I did roll back my NVR when I update it. It was too slow and it was ok after going back to factory firmware. I don't know about the cameras. But i am not sure if the firm i found is the correct!
After you upgrade a cam to 2.80 xxx and beyond there is no going back.. The NVR's will allow rollback if updated to the new 4.0 xx FW