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  1. Kn10

    timed out

    You'll get better answers by providing better information. What the the cameras? What is the setup? Is this a new build or it was working before? What changed? Can you replicate this issue? What have you tried so far? etc.. I dont think you'll find much help by only going to the effort of...
  2. Kn10

    REVIEW- Loryta T2831TM-AS Budget 8MP Starlight Turret

    The local stuff from retailers generally use the branded name. The name Dahua themselves use. Often IPC-HDWXXXXABC Most people here get stuff from @EMPIRETECANDY from Hong Kong and its much cheaper (10ish days shipping too). Myself included who is also in Melbourne Australia. Andy's are the...
  3. Kn10

    Newbie - please critique my planned setup

    Domes bring some problems. They can reflect their own IR back onto its dome. It needs to be cleaned more frequently as the camera can see the dirt. UV can age the dome plastic over time and make them crack/go cloudy. For this profile, I think most people here would recommend turrets over...
  4. Kn10

    Can't get IP address for camera

    Let the Camera do what it wants to do to bring it back. So if its set to DHCP, remove the static IP for it in Unifi and let it get an IP from DHCP. Also, just for testing, move the "dry water course" camera away from, thats Dahuas default IP. I keep it empty myself so I can setup...
  5. Kn10

    Unknown IPCAM

    This is what it'll do in that position. Wheeeeeee!
  6. Kn10

    First time setting up security system

    Your cameras can output a main stream, and a substream. Your main stream will be the full 8MP. The substream is a much lower resolution stream coming from the camera (like 1080p) that you can also connect to. In Blue Iris, it'll use the full main 8MP stream for recording to the hard drive. So...
  7. Kn10

    First time setting up security system

    Good build then. Similar to what many people run here. You might not need the video card if your CPU supports Quicksync.
  8. Kn10

    First time setting up security system

    Not sure if you already own the "Second Build" hardware, but if you dont, you can get most of that cheaply in a second hand SFF build like a Dell Optiplex. Far cheaper than a separate part build of the same specs.
  9. Kn10

    New to BI, can't get Push or Email Alerts?

    Gmail SMTP has a few quirks. It worked for first time for me then starts blocking you. Run the test again. You will need to set it up with an "Application specific password" for Blue Iris. This allows "less secure apps" to login and also to get around 2FA. You'll also need to login to the gmail...
  10. Kn10

    Unknown IPCAM

    PTZ AND Varifocal. Its mounted in a dumb way too. Google the model number with quotes if you want the rest of the specs. Could only find one site with it.
  11. Kn10

    Review-Dahua SD42212T-HN 2mp Starlight 12x PTZ

    I know I'm necroing an old thread, but been looking at this SD42212T with 12x optical zoom. A number of people ask why not go the SD52C225U with 25x optical zoom. But as far as I can see, its not IP6X rated. So it SHOULDNT be used outdoors. Am I reading that right? Just tossing up between the...
  12. Kn10

    PHYSICAL Computer/NVR Security. How are you protecting your recordings?

    Hey all, just curious on how people are physically securing their recordings (whether on the NVR or a PC). Many of us make use of little Dell/HP SFF systems which would fit under an arm nicely. Are you locking them down using their Kesnington locks/loops? are you uploading alerts to the cloud...
  13. Kn10

    Power consumption - NVR vs. PC with Blue Iris

    I'd imagine the NVR would use less. However, the brand name small form factor machines only sip on power too. A Dell Optiplex 7040 uses only 34 watts.
  14. Kn10

    BI website down?

    No problems. If you are ever unsure whether its you or them, there are a few "Is it down or just me?" sites that can check for you like the one above.
  15. Kn10

    BI website down? Its up currently. But it did load pretty slow for me at time of writing, so I suspect it WAS down for a bit.
  16. Kn10

    Hi everyone, new here. Is my system ok?

    Yeah, I'm jealous of his street lighting too. I'm also in suburbia and my street is nearly pitch black.
  17. Kn10

    Hi everyone, new here. Is my system ok?

    You could probably get away with 15FPS on the Cameras. (Video comparison of various frame rates: People, Cars) DNST, UPST are probably a bit too high, a simple baseball cap would probably obscure who's attacking your cars. PTZ is understandably high since its kind of an overview type of thing...
  18. Kn10

    Benefit 15 fps for camera

    Video comparisons of people and cars at various framerates. The gain between 30fps and 15fps just isn't that much for surveillance purposes. Yet it uses half the storage/bandwidth. For things like gaming and TVs, 15FPS difference is huge. But you don't gain enough benefit in the surveillance...
  19. Kn10

    New Member Here - Please read.

    Others have mentioned the Camera stuff. But be sure to secure the location physically first. Cameras wont stop someone from stealing from you, it'll just watch them do it and you'll possibly be able to identify them. Though, in many cases, a baseball cap or a mask will defeat he cameras. I love...
  20. Kn10

    how are you updating camera firmware while using BI?

    It depends on the method you use to prevent your cameras from accessing the internet (if at all). If you just used a false gateway, you could probably just access their IP from any IP on your network. If you use the dual-NIC method, you'll either have to use or remote into your BI machine, and...
  21. Kn10

    Sentry Smart Report 2.0

    Barely renders at all on the iPhone in Outlook. Works acceptably in Gmail on the desktop. I really like the service itself, the AI stuff is great and I would recommend it to anyone. Its just their front end coding is letting them down. I had huge problems logging into the Customer portal...
  22. Kn10

    Comment by 'Kn10' in media 'Proposed install'

    The IPVM Calculator
  23. Kn10

    Shipment Delay Notification

    How is the shipping speed to Australia at the moment?
  24. Kn10

    Will Camera IR Trigger Security System Motion Sensors (which use passive IR)?

    I am looking to install a camera at my front door. However, my security system has a motion detection dome watching the entire front door (it turns on the front house lights when triggered). Was installed about 13 years ago and I suspect it uses passive IR to detect motion. So my question is...
  25. Kn10

    Which camera for start?

    What do you need the cameras to do? What sort of areas will they be watching? There isnt really a camera that can do it all well. High Megapixels is good during the day, but something like a 2-4MP will perform better than higher MP's at night.
  26. Kn10

    Dahua Camera AI vs Blue Iris Software AI

    Thank you for the reply. I ended up making use of which I am quite liking.
  27. Kn10

    PoE Switch Suggestion List

    Loved what they are capable of, but had two fail on me. Found they were too fragile for the price point. Now running a Managed Netgear POE+ switch JGS524PE-100AJS (its in the spreadsheet). Not as feature rich, interface is nowhere near as slick, but just a solid workhorse at half the cost.
  28. Kn10

    New install suggestions for low light area

    There is the ONVIF trigger Sebastiantombs mentioned. You could also try which is $5 a month and very very good.
  29. Kn10

    This is how accidents happen!

    I wonder if the rear car driving forwards is a camera car. These dumbasses are probably doing a "reverse driving challenge" or something stupid for Youtube or Tiktok.
  30. Kn10

    Physical switches and VLANs

    So you do one or the other, but not both. Either the dual nic method, or the VLAN method if you have a managed switch. The goal is to not have the potentially untrusted cameras talking directly to the internet. So VLAN 20 has no internet access. But we trust the BI machine which does have...