Search results

  1. S

    Another Brand CCDCAM ?

    Searching for IMX178 and IMX185 cameras, I came across Has anyone ever tried them ?
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    Board Type IMX 178 or IMX 185

    I bought an IMX 185 board from and have tested it for several months now. The sensor is very good both day and night but the firmware can not utilize the full potential as the automatic day/night switching only works with a minimum exposure time of 1/25s. It also can not be set up...
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    Board Type IMX 178 or IMX 185

    My question was not for complete cameras, but for the boards because I would like to chose a good CS-mount lens , assemble it myself and put it into a homemade stainless steel outdoor enclosure.
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    Board Type IMX 178 or IMX 185

    Has anyone tested board type cameras based upon IMX 178 or IMX 185 and sold on aliexpress for USD 100 ?
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    Number of Licenses

    I was wondering how many BI licenses have been sold and the worldwide distribution of users.
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    Do we really need 4MP? Dahua resolutions comparison.

    My preference is less resolution and a larger sensor. Unfortunately larger sensors are only used in expensive cameras. A 1/2" sensor 1080p is much more useful with low light than 1/2" sensor with 4Mp . resolution. Usually the larger each pixel is, the better the performance.
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    24 8MP Cameras using Blue Iris (follow up)

    12Mbyte is the total (400kbit to 2,8Mbyte per camera). The system is working fine and has been doing so for over 9 months. You mention offloading the cameras to another recording destination. I have not found this option in BI. Fenderman what is Your guess of a meaningful limit for BI...
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    24 8MP Cameras using Blue Iris (follow up)

    12MByte, 9 cameras, yes MB:Asus Z97 Gryphon,,not yet, 7 professional, worst case 50% I7-4790K 16GB Ram There is nothing wrong IMO, just where are the limits of the disk-caches ? Its not the actrual writing but the transfer of cached pretrigger frames to the disk.
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    24 8MP Cameras using Blue Iris (follow up)

    Fenderman, I agree however even when an SSD is used (I am using Intel 530) this is the limiting element. Have You experimented with parallel SSDs for such a case? Or is the SATA mangement the limit? Or a PCI based storage ? Some kind of cache memory would be helpful. Instantaneously...
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    24 8MP Cameras using Blue Iris (follow up)

    IMO the limit of BI is the writing speed with multiple cameras and a high pretrigger frame count, when direct to disk is used. In case of multiple cameras triggered, frames of some cameras get lost long before the I7 processor has reached 100%. Maybe a good measure of the workload is the total...
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    Adding IR LEDs?

    The LEDs I use are Oslon SFH4715S and my source is RS-components. Performance is very good up to 8 meters. Of my homemade IR-illuminators none has failed since installation a year ago. Nor could I detect any degradation. You have to reflow-solder them and put them into a watertight and heat...
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    Adding IR LEDs?

    Using separate IR-illuminators reduces backscatter from fog, rain, snowfall or cobwebs. I built IR-illuminators myself using 3W SMD Oslon IR-Leds mounted to Bergquist plates. Drivers are MeanWell LDD1000h. It took me many hours to build them.
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    To my knowledge,only 4 different trigger signals can be sent via serial to BI. 0 (no trigger) and 1,2,4,8.
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    BI and external I/Os

    Hi Martin_lario! It would be interesting to see your BI-screenshot with the motion- trigger-settings and then a screenshot of the arduino serial monitor.
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    BI and external I/Os

    The command is Serial.print(0) not Serial.println(0) perhaps this helps. BTW my Aduino-ethernet based BI-systems work very well.
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    Some installation pics from today

    I wonder how well these cameras work with fog during nighttime.
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    BI and external I/Os

    To make it even simpler 1 input 1 arduino no network. Input signal here on Pin 4 is converted to serial 1 or 0. Interval is 1 second delay set 1000ms. #include <SPI.h> int Input = 4; void setup() { pinMode (Input,INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { Serial.print(0); if...
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    BI and external I/Os

    And the basic server mounted close to the PIR motion detector: If pin 4 of this Arduino-ethernet is switched to ground by the MD then "1" is displayed on the webpage of this board otherwise "0". The client periodically checks this number and acts accordingly. #include <Ethernet.h> #include...
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    BI and external I/Os

    This basic Arduino-client is connected to the BI-PC via USB and monitors one remote server. If this server shows 1 it writes 1 otherwise 0. #include <SPI.h> #include <Ethernet.h> byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0D, 0xF7, 0xF8 }; IPAddress server1(192,168,1,161); IPAddress...
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    Camera Count Limit for stable BI operation ?

    Each new camera adds 100 to 150MB, IMO due to the high number of pretrigger-frames. These are necessary for direct to disc loss of image-quality esp with Arecont AV5155DN and AV5115DN. The additional cameras were also Areconts.
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    Camera Count Limit for stable BI operation ?

    My system: BI 3.62.03 runnning on a i4770 16GB W7-64pro Intel 530-180GB SSd for system and clips WDred 2TB for archive, Gigabit routers and switches. 8 caneras, max bitrate of all cameras ca 12MB/sec.All cameras record direct to disk and triggered only by DIO, no video motion detection...
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    SC2000 - SecurityCamera2000?

    Bought some analog cameras and dvrs a few years ago from them (2009-2011) no problem then, honest seller.
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    Arecont Vision?

    Mostly good : Tested AV5155DN, AV5115DN, AV10115DN . Picture quality of box type when used with good lens eg Tamron M118FM08 extremely good. But they generate heat 4,5W which must be dissipated well . There are a lot of complaints about overheated Arecont cameras but none of mine has failed...
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    BI and external I/Os

    The motion sensors I use are Crow SRX1000/2000/3000. Right now three sensors are "wired or" conventionally connected to one input of the local Arduino which is usb-cennected to the BI-PC. Two more sensors are connected to Adruinoethernets and the state of which is periodically ( as seen in the...
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    BI and external I/Os

    8 cameras running on a I7 4770, Intel 530 180GB SSD for recent events, 1TB HDD for storage. Idle 12...16% with 5 cams triggered simultaneously up to 40% most direct to disc with up to 50 pretrigger frames each...I have never used the video-motion detection function.
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    BI and external I/Os

    Has anyone replicated my setup at least partially with some success? BTW where are the BI users which trigger it with in camera integrated motion-detection or inputs ?
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    BI and external I/Os

    Suggestions for improvement are very welcome....
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    BI and external I/Os

    and here is one server code #include <Ethernet.h> #include <SPI.h> byte mac [] = {0X90,0xA2,0xDA,0xDE,0xD4,0x7E}; IPAddress ip(192,168,1,151); EthernetServer server(8151); void setup() { Ethernet.begin(mac,ip); server.begin(); } void loop() { EthernetClient client = server.available()...
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    BI and external I/Os

    Here is the client code cut and paste to try //4 digital signals read from 2 servers // 151,152 provide 1 2 //In addition 1 input on pin 4 active low //Pin4 writes serial 1, //Pin 3 digital output #include <SPI.h> #include <Ethernet.h> byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDE, 0x0E, 0xC0, 0x0E...
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    BI and external I/Os

    3 Arduinos: 2 Arduino Ethernet with 2 inputs each as servers and one Arduino with ethernet shield as client connected via USB (com2 in my case) to the BI-PC. This Arduino has one additional input and one output to trigger the backup analog DVR.