Arecont Vision?


Young grasshopper
May 8, 2014
Just wondering if anyone has experience good/bad with arecont vision camera products?

Mostly good : Tested AV5155DN, AV5115DN, AV10115DN . Picture quality of box type when used with good lens eg Tamron M118FM08 extremely good. But they generate heat 4,5W which must be dissipated well . There are a lot of complaints about overheated Arecont cameras but none of mine has failed yet....summer has not yet begun.
I know this is an old thread, but I just thought I'd share my experience with the 10MP Arecont Vision Megavision compact - the AV10115 D/N to be specific. The heat disappation is very apparent, and this thing needs good ventilation.
The lowlight shots are very disappointing compared to a 3MP Hikvision, but according to what some posted in the 10MP camera thread - the higher MP just makes the light situation worse.
I thought the relatively large sized CCD (1/2.3") would benefit it also in low light, but I was very wrong.