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  1. TVille

    UI3 causing 100% cpu since 5.5.5 version

    I'm running 5.5.5 and am not seeing this issue. I'm seeing about 15% CPU while the screen is up on the viewing machine, and no real change on the BI server. My BI server is a 4 core I7-6700, and the viewing machine is also 4 core, but i7-3770.
  2. TVille

    EmpireTech-IPC-HFW5231E-ZE Help with zoom

    If you are using an IP of, you likely have a problem....Put up a screen shot of the BI camera status. Also, as others have said, use the find/inspect. Yes it comes up with some bland looking generic camera, but it works!
  3. TVille

    Playback painfully jerky, slow and stuttering.

    Possibly. I'm running 1920x1200 on my Linux viewing machine with dual monitors. I don't know what the capabilities of the Intel video are. It may struggle with higher resolutions.
  4. TVille

    Playback painfully jerky, slow and stuttering.

    I replaced it because it kept freezing. Yes it was old, but my other install is 9 years old, bought used, AMD machine, it works fine. I have no issue with older equipment that is reliable. I am running a Dell Precision 3620 Tower i7-6770, 16 GB ram, SSD boot, pair of WD Purple for video...
  5. TVille

    Playback painfully jerky, slow and stuttering.

    Be careful about chasing ghosts. I ran BI on Win 10, i7-3770 for years just fine. Last summer the machine would freeze. Just freeze, whatever was on the display froze. Nothing in the logs. I pulled ram sticks one at a time, cleared BI and reinstalled,did a clean install of Windows several times...
  6. TVille

    Cameras disconnecting pretty often. No idea?

    I'm closer to you than to where you are from. I'm in Wise County, VA. I can almost see KY from here, it is only about 6 miles. My avatar is a sunset from our front porch.
  7. TVille

    Cannot access BI Web server on LAN

    Get an IP scanner like Angry IP Scanner and see if it finds the server. The have it scan the BI server for open ports.
  8. TVille

    Cameras disconnecting pretty often. No idea?

    Just switching ports may not tell you much. Disconnect all but one of the old cameras, leave it on the original port. If it still crashes, THEN switch ports. It is possible that some of the ports cannot provide enough power, or the whole switch can't provide enough power. One change at a time!!
  9. TVille

    Cameras disconnecting pretty often. No idea?

    Unplug all POE devices from the switch except for one camera. See if it works. If not, try another camera & port.
  10. TVille

    Cameras disconnecting pretty often. No idea?

    Have you ever not been able to connect to the camera GUI when BI drops them? Can you get BI to reconnect, or does it just reconnect when it decides to? The most common reason is POE switch/power issues. How are these cameras powered? Same switch? Different? Your bit rates are low compared to...
  11. TVille

    Reboot Shortcut?

    Did you try this: Syntax http://<userid>:<password>@<serverip>/cgi-bin/magicBox.cgi?action=reboot[&delay=<paramValue>] Where <userid> is the userid, and same for password?
  12. TVille

    HELP!!! New Installation. Can't Access Camera.

    What are the IPs assigned to each device (camera, NIC1, NIC2, RT-AX68U, 68U-Mesh)? When you say you can't access the camera GUI, do you mean from the 7040?
  13. TVille

    Playback painfully jerky, slow and stuttering.

    I have run "standard" HD for years, without any issues. If I buy new drives, I get WD Purple drives and my home machine has a pair of WD Purple. However, I have a remote machine with standard HDs which has been running for about 8 years 24/7, and is still going strong. This thread had me check...
  14. TVille

    Playback painfully jerky, slow and stuttering.

    As far as Win 11 vs 10 goes, I have no idea. I have two BI installs, one on Win 8.1, one Win 10 Pro. I have no plans on upgrading the 8.1, it just works. And it is on satellite, so upgrading would cost me a fair amount of money or trouble.
  15. TVille

    Playback painfully jerky, slow and stuttering.

    I'm not a hardware expert, but using RDP to get to my headless box gives me 4% GPU usage with BI console running and 16 cameras in the display behind task manager. While I think you are having disk issues, I don't understand your very high GPU usage compared to my 6th Gen CPU and integrated GPU.
  16. TVille

    Playback painfully jerky, slow and stuttering.

    I'm running an i7-6700, which is not close to your machine. I run 20% CPU, with 14 active cameras and DS and ALPR. I just started a video playing from alerts, and run 50-70% CPU through RDP. It is a Win10 Pro machine though, with no intention of "upgrading" to 11. You have an issue. I would fix...
  17. TVille

    Anybody know the status of the Android BI client?

    This is true. My Pixel 4 shows it in the Play Store, the tablet on 7 does not.
  18. TVille

    Will this computer do the job?

    What @wittaj said. I have 14 cameras, one LPR, several on Deep Stack, all running on an i7-6700 with 16 GB of ram. It runs around 20% CPU with all of that, and it is not optimized really. It works, I stopped tweaking it so I stop breaking things! It was running with only 8 GB of ram, and ran...
  19. TVille

    Anybody know the status of the Android BI client?

    I have it installed on an older tablet running Android 7, and it still works, I just tried it. But, I have no idea how to side load it now, as I don't have the API (or whatever).
  20. TVille

    East coast blizzard

    We got maybe an inch or so down at 1,500 ft elevation. Our cabin, at 3,480 feet, about 6 miles away, got about 4 inches. House Cabin
  21. TVille

    remote cameras?

    Then you need a VPN solution at each end. I'm no expert on VPNs, but depending on what hardware is running at each end, there is av variety of options. I run ZeroTier, currently, to access my BI machine remotely, you may be able to use it for that, I'm not sure.
  22. TVille

    Can Blue Iris software populate from saved server footage?

    The advantage of running Bi IS running it 24/7, so you get the abilities it offers, motion detection, alerts, etc. You want to post process the video footage, which is not reasonable. BI is not setup to do it. Even if it were, you would have to open each file, let BI review it, then repeat. Why...
  23. TVille

    Family guests in a Democrat household

    Many times I am accused of being an "ignorant Fox News reader" when, in reality, most of what I find is in many other news publications, just hidden. They only read the headlines, or more likely, what CNN puts up on their 30 minute "news" cast. Ignorance is bliss, or as a famous person once...
  24. TVille

    remote cameras?

    How remote - a mile, 5?, 200 yards? Internet access at the remote location?
  25. TVille

    Dedicated license plate camera

    W is wide angle, or minimum zoom. T is telephoto or maximum zoom for that particular camera. LPR is part art, part science. ANYONE that says 32 mm works to 95 feet is wrong. Just wrong. Some folks get to much longer distances than others. It depends is the correct answer. My LPR struggles at...
  26. TVille

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    There is no question in my mind that it is political. About half the drugs dispensed in the US are dispensed "off label". This means the drug is approved to treat some condition, and determined safe for prescribing. But, data shows that it also helps some other condition, so your doctor...
  27. TVille

    Has anyone had success using a fixed lens mini-bullet camera for LPR?

    If you can get the camera near the edge of the roadway, I think it will work with builtin IR. But every LPR install seems to be different.
  28. TVille

    Has anyone had success using a fixed lens mini-bullet camera for LPR?

    I've got a 5442 6 mm working LPR during daylight hours. It is at a distance of about 45', at a 45 degree angle to the roadway, roughly 18' off the roadway. This is a turret style camera that is not intended to do LPR, but it does it well enough. It is not an IR camera, it runs color 24/7 due to...
  29. TVille

    Please, for the love of all that's holy, please make a sticky or Readme for noobs like me who are just getting into cams

    Most of the time someone introduces themselves, and are pointed to the wiki and cliff notes. If they have a more specific question, it is answered. The other 90% of the time they ignore the wiki and cliff notes, even after being pointed to it. So.... :idk:
  30. TVille

    Please, for the love of all that's holy, please make a sticky or Readme for noobs like me who are just getting into cams

    Wiki = Computer nerd term for IPCAM Talk institutional knowledge" Then ask away and you will get answers!