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  1. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    I was thinking you can get a jury trial, you just have to appeal it. But, I don't have any personal experience, like @IReallyLikePizza2 . ;)
  2. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    Judge or panel of judges. I believe in civil cases you can have a choice, and possibly in criminal as well. In most traffic courts its just the judge, who is buddies with the prosecuting attorneys and officers, as they see each other a lot.
  3. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    Exactly! The entire legal system benefits one party, and one party only - lawyers. Defense lawyers. Prosecutors. Judges. They all benefit from each and every case. Not the victim. Not the defendant. The lawyers.
  4. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    I'm convinced that this is the case for 90% of the population that is very liberal. They accuse you of being a blind Trump follower and main lining Fox News. When they do exactly that with CNN/NBC/MSM. But, most conservatives I know actually do analyze the available information, and most don't...
  5. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    I think the prosecutor was given a case he knew he couldn't win on the merits. Any 2nd year high schooler should have figured that out. I think he then tried everything to get a conviction. Including outright lying to the jury, saying things not supported by any evidence, putting folks on the...
  6. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    Unfortunately, many, maybe most, on the left believe the ends justifies the means, when it fits their narrative. They will support "peaceful" protests and riots. And there will be riots. Not only by the prosecution, but by the politicians. The ones that called the kid a white supremacist. The...
  7. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    Apparently, that was a bogus charge as well. State law didn't make it illegal for him to posses the gun. The prosecution never introduced any evidence that possessing it was against the law. Yes, prosecution was horrible, but, what choice did they have? He was legal with the gun. He was chased...
  8. TVille

    Installing A Ground In This Unusual Case

    Grounding is more art than science, I'm afraid. Ham radio guys argue about this all the time. The only thing they agree on is the solution that won't work for you. Unplug the coax and throw it outside. Seriously, that is about the only way to keep it out of your house. Assuming you have POE, I...
  9. TVille

    Ring Door Bells Work!!

    I have no idea, but I also am hardly an expert at this. I struggle to get them to focus well when zoomed in. I use the sunrise utility which sets focus and zoom each sunrise and sunset.
  10. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    I didn't watch the trial, saw some more about it on here than anywhere. But, I never saw anything that made me think any reasonable person could convict him of anything other than being dumb. Dumb for being a 17 year old kid going into a risky situation. But, i did not think the jury would...
  11. TVille

    Ring Door Bells Work!!

    My neighbor apparently had several packages on their porch, and noticed someone had come up onto the porch, saw the doorbell camera, and left. The did get a blurry photo of the perp and his car. My cameras figured out that they came down the street, slowed to almost a stop, presumably seeing...
  12. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    Here, let me fix that for her: “In America... there’s a thing for white male communists tears... as soon as they get caught or start losing... they bring waterworks racism.”
  13. TVille

    HFW5442T-ASE-NI or other option?

    :welcome: First, you need to define the issue. You have figured out that ReoLink sucks, particularly at night, that is a good first step. You need to read through the wiki, above, on a real computer. The 5442 series are currently the best combination of price and performance. However, how far...
  14. TVille

    A hard truth alot of you need to hear! - im an Idiot who does not understand wifi and blames BI.

    Yep, you're right, BI sucks. Not sure why I don't go use that free software that is so much better! [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787] Yeah, if you don't like it so much, why did you come here? Troll much? Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
  15. TVille

    How is Reolink App cellular access possible?

    The camera establishes a connection out, through your router, and the app basically follows it back in. It can be blocked with a real firewall, but that takes a fair bit more knowledge/skill, although very doable, depending on what equipment you have. .
  16. TVille

    Arizona Install through Attic Vents

    Looks good!! I like your clamping the cameras to confirm locations. Painted PVC has but one real weakness - physical. As long as you don't run into it with something, it should last a very long time.
  17. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    The fact that you have been shooting for over 40 years doesn't really surprise me. The main difference between the US and Europe in terms of gun ownership is that you have to ask the government's permission to do damned near anything with one. And you don't have self protection capability like...
  18. TVille

    Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse; Criminal, Murderer or Citizen Defender.

    You have mentioned that Rittenhouse most likely had hollow points a couple of times. @fenderman says they were not, as stated during the trial. I'm guessing your mistake on this point is due to the scarcity of guns in Europe, and relying on book knowledge. While hollow points are more common...
  19. TVille

    IPC-HFW5241E-Z12E mount measurements

    On the one sitting on the temporary mount on the front porch, which measures the same as the B5442E-ZE on my desk, it measures 3-1/8" to the front of the white base.
  20. TVille

    Meth Head at the House

    Understand on the confidential information. I know the name of the guy arrested, and other details that aren't public yet. Although I don't know why not, unless they are looking for how he got out of there. There are only two ways out of the neighborhood, and I don't think he had a car. So he...