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  1. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Apologies for any errors in this message. On mobile! I was never able to get video to save or work. Figured it was a fluff feature not implemented. Now I wonder if I was doing something wrong or if you have a paid version that has this and free version doesn't? What other fields would you...
  2. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    This is a setting within the OpenALPR Agent that you have running. It has to be enabled as well as the listening IP and Port. While there I would suggest upping the local image database retention size. I think the default is only 50mb.
  3. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Taking everything from being hard-coded into the program to creating setting files, extracting out those areas, figuring out git, etc. I'm not kidding at all, it took me less time to create the original working program! Glad you got through everything Nyghthawk! Definitely open to suggestions...
  4. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Looks like some error-checking may be needed around the line before it telling it to Open the DB connection since the status is "Connecting..." -- Never seen that before though - even on remote connections... I'm not sure of this one and can't look into it any more tonight.
  5. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    I have that in the DB as a "smallint" which only goes to 32,767 -- your value is larger. "Edit" the LPR_PlateHits table, change "company" to just type "int" -- Save the table and then go try the import again.
  6. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    No, this is perfect actually. This is likely exactly where it is all failing. Can you look through your CSV file for the value "32789" and find what Column it is in? Good chance the DB has the field type as something too small to accept that - maybe a tinyint or smallint that needs to be upgraded.
  7. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    I'm thinking it will take a very long time to step through it all with the CSV file being 171kb. A quick a dirty way to confirm if something triggering the try/catch would be to fill out the catch. Make this Look more like this Also put a break point when you catch/show the exception. If...
  8. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    I believe you're right, but narrowing down why will take stepping through the code for more than just errors, but to see where things are going wrong or getting skipped. I would definitely expect to see a decent size number here (however many entries are in the manual CSV you saved and are...
  9. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Here's where the Manual Upload gets called, line 564. I'm thinking there has to be an error in there somewhere. Can you put a break-point on that "UploadStream" and then step through it?
  10. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    I had some inconsistencies in variables and how I called them. This impacted two areas in this program. I've updated both to follow what the rest of the code did. I think in an ideal world you'd just pull this down from git and see the changes. But in case you are as new to git as I am...
  11. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Ok - I wanted to make sure. It should do that! I'm not entirely sure what that error means; however, it seems to get by another section where it is writing into and reading from the import history. I'm going to fix up some inconsistencies, make sure it still works for me, and then commit it up...
  12. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    I have an idea... But first tell me, when you start the program does it have your SQL Connection already in the settings (from the last time) or is it cleared out and you're having to re-enter?
  13. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Did it create a new import row when you did that, or not and waited for the next timer-tick to put in an entry?
  14. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    If it had an error here, it would never hit the Import History, so I think this is fine. Which means it is getting the Stream and correctly checking the size. So my initial guess, if it's hitting an error, is that it is after this but before Save Import History. So row 210 to 299. Some...
  15. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    I'd say you have the DB connection correct, because that "Import History" actually writes to and reads from the DB. I don't think it's hitting an error because the section that I have in a try/catch includes the "Save Import History" which is at the end. So if it hit an error loading into the...
  16. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Here's a more detailed explanation of what I believe I left as a default... Data Source=.\LPR;Initial Catalog=LPR;Persist Security Info=True;Integrated Security=true Data Source = the SQL Server and Instance. I named my instance LPR and have it sitting on the local server, so .\LPR If you left...
  17. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Are they on the same machine?
  18. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    The program reads the CSV directly to memory to import into the database, and then saves to a CSV to the archive location only if that is set. It only archives if new information, so if you ran it once (full download) without Archive set and than set Archive and the next import had no new...
  19. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Ok, two things. 1. I screwed up something right before pushing the code! if (Constants.pushToken != "" && Constants.pushUser != "") { Alert_Push("Watched Plate", "You may be interested in this plate that just went by the house...", "Blah")...
  20. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    I thought I had the code set so that it would only try the push if there was a value in the config, leave out values for the push portion and it should skip that part.
  21. G

    OpenALPR Advice?

    Sorry guys, delay here was on me. Got busy with life and then came back to some computer issues on the machine I used as my primary machine (the one that actually has monitors!) New thread created with links to all of the code and hopefully enough instruction that someone familiar with coding...
  22. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Updated 2021.08.20 Both Downloader and Viewer have been updated. Most changes relate to being able to pull from the local web-server as well as the cloud CSV to allow much faster imports and thus alerts. Tied into this improvements made to alerting, searching, backups, etc. Please see This...
  23. G

    IPCT IP Cam Talk 8CH 4K NVR Network Video Recorder w/POE *SALE*

    What Smart-Event options does this model have?
  24. G

    OpenALPR Advice?

    What I've done isn't anywhere close to being distributable. If you've got any knowledge of SQL and .NET coding, you could install free SQL Sever and Visual Studio and I'd be happy to offer up advice/tips/tricks. Between DLONG and myself we've added some additional tweaks and streamlined some...
  25. G

    OpenALPR Advice?

    Joined table, store Plate (as PK), Description, Status, Alert_Address (stores e-mail address(es) to e-mail when seen). I've got almost all SQL logic in a Stored Procedure, and pass in any variables as parameters (even if this is just internal to me, trying to keep best practice to sanitize data...
  26. G

    OpenALPR Advice?

    Thanks @DLONG2 for this post and your private communications as well. While I have a long way to go to get the interface as slick as what you have - you had some great ideas. Here is where mine currently sits. Behind the scenes, I've got a configurable timer to do the automatic download...
  27. G

    Snapshots - Wrong Time (UI3)

    That is a possibility. I'll have to test that.
  28. G

    Snapshots - Wrong Time (UI3)

    BI is set direct to disk. I don't overlay BI time as that added resources, I utilize the time on the cameras. All cameras are set to use the BI server as the timer server. In UI3, when watching a live video I can hover and see the time at the bottom (in the UI) and the time from the camera and...
  29. G

    Snapshots - Wrong Time (UI3)

    I have very hard time getting either a video, or a snapshot, of exactly what I want to see. 1. Video export doesn't seem to perfectly follow the sliders / what I can see what I preview. 2. It doesn't seem possible to "step-forward/backward" when watching the video. Have to slow down, which...
  30. G

    IPCT 8 MP(4K) Starlight IR Fixed Bullet, Camera Powered by Night Eye

    I've got this camera, and so far there is a lot to like. I'm still trying to dial in the settings - slightly different given all my prior experience was with the Dahua's. Additionally I've only got to play with it at night so far, have to see what it looks like in the light tomorrow! Hoping...