Snapshots - Wrong Time (UI3)


Pulling my weight
Jun 24, 2017
I have very hard time getting either a video, or a snapshot, of exactly what I want to see.
1. Video export doesn't seem to perfectly follow the sliders / what I can see what I preview.
2. It doesn't seem possible to "step-forward/backward" when watching the video. Have to slow down, which makes the video jump to another spot, then get back to the correct spot, let video play, try to pause at the right time, miss it, go back. Please tell me I'm missing something obvious/easy here!
3. Once I have the video paused on the scene I want, I want to export a picture. I use the export (camera button) vs just taking a screencap because the actual file is way higher quality than what I see on my screen (even set to highest streaming quality, it doesn't do the 4k camera full justice that the camera icon does).
3a, I can even see the timestamp of the file isn't correct based on what is on the screen.

Any tips/tricks/hints/obvious things I'm missing?
In BI are you using dire t to disc ?
Is the time stamp on the video from the camera or from BI.
How are you setting the times in the camera, in detail?
BI is set direct to disk.
I don't overlay BI time as that added resources, I utilize the time on the cameras.
All cameras are set to use the BI server as the timer server.

In UI3, when watching a live video I can hover and see the time at the bottom (in the UI) and the time from the camera and they seem pretty well synchronized.
When I view an Alert / Clip, I can't seem to see the BI time (in the UI) - as it just shows the time the clip/alert started and doesn't change.

When I use the snapshot icon in live view, it seems to be much more accurate.
When I use the snapshot icon in "Clip" view, it seems hit or miss (e.g. if I don't do much scanning the first snapshot may be OK but after is off by seconds or more).
When I use the snapshot icon in "Alert" view, it almost always seems to be off by multiple seconds - enough that the car that was on screen for 5+ seconds isn't even on screen in the picture.

By the way, I'm trying/hoping to use UI3 to do my scans/exports because when I do it via the console application I seem to have a CPU leak very quickly and end up having to restart all services / PC.
Is the clip you're exporting from being written to while you're viewing/exporting?