Search results

  1. RyanODan

    DS-7604NI 5MP Hikvision NVR Unsupported stream type

    @Suprcrew It sounds like it can't find the camera on your network or there's a problem with that camera. Is it plugged into POE port 3 on the back of the NVR? Also, disable any H.264+ or H.265+ settngs, they cause more problems when enabled and don't help the system out much. @ROHIT KUMAR...
  2. RyanODan

    Work Camera Hacked

    Has there been a CVE issued for this? "a recent vulnerability in the P2P service used in some cameras."
  3. RyanODan

    Camera for License Plates

    Nice captures!
  4. RyanODan

    Camera for License Plates

    @Ford Links fixed. @bigredfish I agree the Dahua camera has similar specs to our LPR as far as hardware goes. However, I believe the complexity would stem more from attempting to configure the Dahua for plate captures versus a small box drawn on the LPR. "Every situation is a bit...
  5. RyanODan

    Camera for License Plates

    With regular fixed or varifocal cameras, at minimum, it seems the stars need to align to capture anything usable. However, this camera should meet your expectations: NSC-LPR832-BT1 Check out our review to see it in action during day and night: LPR Review
  6. RyanODan

    Extremely slow live FPS

    I second what fender said. H.264+ & H.265+ aren't worth having enabled. Leave them off for best function and performance.
  7. RyanODan

    GoSwift vs other models?

    @Andrew de los Reyes Sent you a PM
  8. RyanODan

    GoSwift vs other models?

    I apologize for the late reply, I didn't see this until today. Thanks to everyone who has helped so far. I'll be able to answer your other questions in detail tomorrow morning, sorry again for the delay!
  9. RyanODan

    Hik-Connect and UPnP

    Check out the second page on this attachment for a visual representation of how Hik-Connect P2P works compared to Hik-Connect DDNS.
  10. RyanODan

    Hik-Connect and UPnP

    Those settings dont matter if you aren't port forwarded. If you are then you can configure specific ports to essentially use hik-connect as a DDNS service. Auto won't have any impact unless you have upnp enabled on your camera and router. If so, it will automatically forward the default ports.
  11. RyanODan

    Thoughts on new DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3 4MP PTZ?

    I've never experienced an issue like that with these specific cameras. Did you try upgrading the firmware? If so, default the camera after the upgrade. I've found that to fix the majority of problems with Cameras and recorders. Also your settings could be the culprit. Send a screenshot of...
  12. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    Interesting, from what I remember the doorbell Web Interface has been stripped down to pretty much bare bones options in all firmware versions but it's been a while since I've looked at one with the original firmware. At any rate I've linked the original firmware below: Box Let me know if...
  13. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    Which firmware is installed currently?
  14. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    Hey Cheezer, that's the only option for storage so they should be recordings to the microsd card either way. Have you checked playback to see if it's recording events since the upgrade? Did you factory default it after the upgrade?
  15. RyanODan

    You gotta see this Mini 4MP Auto-Tracking PTZ

    This is possible using Hikvision NVRs. You can set some of the Main Stream (Event) settings separately from the Main Stream (Normal) settings. Although the camera doesn't do 4K and the resolution cannot be changed after an event trigger, the frame rate and bit rate can.
  16. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    Hey @JaredRS1, if you're referring to the Power Booster setting it won't have any impact without the power booster device from Hikvision (or whoever the rebrand is from). Are you having power problems with the doorbell because a 10 amp should be fine. Here's a screenshot from the specs...
  17. RyanODan

    IPCT 2 MP Starlight IR Fixed Turret Network Camera, 2.8mm, Powered by Night Eye

    o_O 2019-02-22_1053 Looks like it's not only the specs..
  18. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    Hey @WilRC Did you factory restore it after you upgraded it? If so, try it again but only turn on motion detection in the app and see if it works running like that.
  19. RyanODan

    What 4K NVR brand?

  20. RyanODan

    What 4K NVR brand?

    I'd recommend this NVR, it meets all your requirements plus more and has 16 ports POE built in: NSN-7324K-16P 32 Channel 4K POE Plug N Play Hi Def NVR Recorder - Nelly's Security Here's a 16 port POE switch to power the additional 16 cameras: IPCamPower IPCP-16P2G-AF2 16 Port POE Switch W/ 2...
  21. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    @Ehab Saad Which firmware do you have installed?
  22. RyanODan

    V5.5.82 181211 FW upgarde

    I believe on firmware 5.5.61 and above you don't need a plugin with the newer versions of Chrome and Firefox.
  23. RyanODan

    IPCT 2 MP Starlight IR Fixed Turret Network Camera, 2.8mm, Powered by Night Eye

    This wall mount should fit all EXIR fixed lens cameras unless they changed the hole pattern recently: H Series 1273ZJ-130-TRL Wall Mount - Nelly's Security Same goes for the junction box: 1280ZJ-M Junction Box for H Series EXIR Dome Security Cameras - Nelly's Security
  24. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    @WilRC The last few firmwares have that message removed. Here's the latest version: Box After you upgrade you may want to default it by holding the button on the side for 15+ seconds. After you hear "The device is rebooting" continue holding the button for about 5-10 seconds. By defaulting...
  25. RyanODan

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    That's been my experience as well.
  26. RyanODan

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    Oh, I thought you had Hikvision equipment. To be honest I'm not even sure EZVIZ has HTTP urls. I would contact them to see if it's even possible.
  27. RyanODan

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    port 8000 is only for mobile viewing.
  28. RyanODan

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    Whats the model number?
  29. RyanODan

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    One more thing, which firmware does your camera or recorder have installed?