Search results

  1. G

    $29 screen -- Perfect for cam feeds and whatnot

    Those Amazon 7" tablets are on sale for a few more days I'd assume. $29 for a screen that works with Google Play Store and runs reliably 24/7 -- not a bad deal at all. (Not to sound like an advertisement for them, but I see a lot of people on here going back to the whole Raspberry Pi monitor...
  2. G

    Inactive Cameras

    Good points to clarify: The cameras don't want to wake from inactive status. A moment ago I thought I got one of them to wake, but then they stayed active which was kind of a bummer since I'd like them to sleep again. A few minutes ago during one test I saw that some of them were still giving...
  3. G

    Inactive Cameras

    @fenderman Thanks for testing! Did you have to set up scheduling any different than default? In addition to playing with everything inside that scheduling screen, I thought it maybe had something to do with what cameras (groups) were pulled up locally on the BI server and any web playback, but...
  4. G

    Blue Iris - BlinkStick

    Built something like it back in the day haha BlinkStick does have the capability of doing this as well, but requires a script or program to listen for commands. It may require some nerd hands-on there similar to my solution using a little WIFI chip. API Implementations | BlinkStick: Blog
  5. G

    Suggestion: Add on-network detection to geofence

    Not entirely related, I built something years ago that solved this. Not sure what I did with the code. But for the technically brave, it's a simple solution that really worked well. 1.) Static DHCP entry for all phones in the house. 2.) Set phones to keep wifi on (Back in the day, this was easy...
  6. G

    Inactive Cameras

    Can't seem to figure this one out for some reason. One of the newer BI Updates states: A new option on the Schedule tab in camera properties "Camera is only active when viewed remotely or full screen" can be used (in conjunction with un-checking the box Continue to display and stream video)...
  7. G

    Using VPN to access cameras behind carrier grade NAT (3G/4G)

    I started working on 4G solutions back in 2012 and deployed them somewhat rapidly in late 2013 -- The amount of tech that has changed since is amazing. I used to use USB and wireless hotspots in the beginning because they were inexpensive and worked well. In fact, I do still have some out there...
  8. G

    Using VPN to access cameras behind carrier grade NAT (3G/4G)

    I used the WR11XT -- I used to pay about $230 for them online but can find them for about $175. They aren't the fastest interfaces (Max 30down/25up) compared to some of their other lines, but the size and power consumption is right. If you're looking for doing this in remote farm buildings...
  9. G

    IP cam for sporting events????

    I use a couple of Dahua Starlights as ancillary 1080p feeds from venue stages, runways, etc for that fun angle to cut to every so often. I wouldn't really rely on them as primary ever, but I'm working with about a second and a half of delay that I don't get from SDI/HDMI inputs to the stream...
  10. G

    Using VPN to access cameras behind carrier grade NAT (3G/4G)

    (I'll give you guys a good hint/suggestion) If you're like me, the reason why you have to use 4G is because the cams are going to be in a really remote area and likely several hours away. Plan for multiple services, not just one. Relying solely on OpenVPN or any VPN service you choose as your...
  11. G

    Wondering if I'm the only one before I email support

    So for the past few months (at least) I've had an issue with the ActiveX player as well as iPhone/Android apps. I'll log in, click on a cam with PTZ support, try to move the cam around or choose a preset, and nothing will happen. I click several times. Nothing. I close out of the app (or IE)...
  12. G

    Alternative internet connection over mobile network?

    Don't get a public IP -- Most cell providers don't even offer it. The ones that do charge a fortune for it. You don't and won't want one over 3G/4G--trust me :-) I'm still deploying 4G powered setups here and there. I've been on a kick lately to do PtP bridging now that the technology has...
  13. G

    Feed two PoE cameras with one network cable

    Every time I say "Just one more wire" I end up needing two haha. This pic of just the garage lines further illustrates that struggle. :lol:
  14. G

    Feed two PoE cameras with one network cable

    Yeah I edited the post too slowly -- I replied to that bit about temperatures. The bigger box though is an issue. Unless you had the switch on the inside of the garage/house and only ran both Ethernet lines outside into that white box.
  15. G

    Feed two PoE cameras with one network cable

    Depending on how difficult (or costly) that extra Ethernet run is, $30 gets you the 1-to-4 splitter. Works really well. Here are some pictures I took not too long ago showing some stress tests. I mentioned in another thread on here about it that I use them for events. We push POS stations, APs...
  16. G

    1 to 4 PoE Extender

    I've been using them for a while at various events. Some spots don't have power, line of sight, and are 600+ ft away from the main admin tent/building/etc, and these will drive point of sale, ticketing, and phones without issue.
  17. G

    Android Tablet Wall Mount Dock minimal

    3M click tape and a 90 degree USB cable should be all ya need!
  18. G

    1 to 4 PoE Extender

    I know, I'm just saying for those who think it's necessary to keep an AT certified power injector in-line when they are only pushing 6-8 watts.
  19. G

    1 to 4 PoE Extender

    (You can use straight up 802.3af power as input for this too. 802.3at is recommended and even says so printed on the box itself, but this unit works just as well without. At least, that's been my experience with this exact one and similar units.)
  20. G

    Girls Stealing Trump Sign

    The only consequences here is that the land owner just stole about a thousand dollars in city resources, so if I was a neighbor or someone who lived in that city I'd be a little irked that this ridiculous amount of time was spent on something equally parallel to like... smashing pumpkins... or...
  21. G

    Girls Stealing Trump Sign

    Good thing to spend police and municipal resources on.. (I get that the $2 sign was on your property, but police average about $26/hr and if what you say is true about juvenile detention, you could easily multiply the amount of people and services handling this--especially for an overnight and...
  22. G

    PIR Arduino Shield

    Easiest way to trigger BI, in my opinion, is via HTTP. You can make BI trigger something or vice versa. I did this as a simple test using BI's Alert features and an ESP201 (8266) chip running WiFi
  23. G

    Front Gate Camera Install

    Yeah you made the right choices here -- good job!
  24. G

    Feed two PoE cameras with one network cable

    Yeah I don't buy from Ali -- Too much clowning around. I did, however, buy that unit on eBay a while back (came from China) and it actually worked quite well. I only used two of the four outputs, but these cams and devices nowadays use so much less wattage than they used to I feel like.
  25. G

    nayr's home automation build out...

    I'm asking everyone who uses Asterisk and I remember you do as well: What do you use for CNAM and are you happy with it? I've switched around over the years and still can't find one that works exceptionally well pretty much by itself. It's usually not a mission critical element, but now that I...
  26. G

    Feed two PoE cameras with one network cable

    This works too
  27. G

    Blue Iris on laptop?

    Every time this gets mentioned, I bring this up. A good amount of laptops have auto-power on options in BIOS. Particularly Dell/HP Insprion/Elite models etc. So if you have one sitting around with a second gen or higher i3-i5 it's worth checking out if you're just wanting to run a couple or...
  28. G

    IP Cameras, Multiple Locations

    Personally I think you're right in having the two systems separate (for many reasons). Watching a group of cameras remotely won't be an issue at all and is fairly easy to do no matter what system you end up choosing. I know many here are advocates of Blue Iris and if you're comfortable with it...
  29. G

    Mailbox question

    Very low crime area to be honest. It's just a convenience thing, really. The mailman for whatever reason opens the box whether he has anything or not, and I never put anything in there for him to take (the flag always stays down), so again more convenience than anything else. Also worthy to...
  30. G

    Mailbox question

    So I figured this would be a bit more popular now in 2016 to search for, but I've only seen a few articles and threads--nothing concrete. I wired Ethernet up to my mailbox a while ago. I put a simple PIR sensor in it that reports back to my smart home Raspberry Pi to trigger a pic of who opened...