Blue Iris - BlinkStick


Young grasshopper
Mar 4, 2017
Thanks to this forum, I have a Blue Iris based security system with Starlight cams that I absolutely love. Having a blast learning all this stuff. So thanks to all the members!

I have BI in my living room connected to my TV. Works great. However, since I'm normally watching TV, I'd like to have a small LED light controlled by BI that comes on to tell me when one of my zones is triggered (I do not have any home automation systems). I have different colors assigned to each camera, so it would be cool to trigger a specific color and I'd know where the event is taking place without switching to the BI input on the TV.

I've found this cool gadget and am wondering if it could work in this capacity?

BlinkStick | Products - BlinkStick Nano

Before I dive in, was wondering if one of you have tried this or have an opinion on whether or not its doable.

Built something like it back in the day haha

BlinkStick does have the capability of doing this as well, but requires a script or program to listen for commands. It may require some nerd hands-on there similar to my solution using a little WIFI chip.

API Implementations | BlinkStick: Blog
I went ahead and ordered one of these along with the diffuser square:

BlinkStick | Products - BlinkStick Square

Was $30 total after GBP -> USD conversion so no too much lost if I can't make it work. Found a few sources that have built command line scripts. I think if I can get it to work from a command line then I should be able to pass color events to it via BI's Alerts capabilities. We'll see...