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  1. H

    Hi from Ireland

    Welcome to the forum. Look into setting up your network securely i.e. avoid port forwarding.
  2. H

    Hello from Italy! Some questions after reading your guides.

    Welcome to the forum. Make sure you read the Cliff Notes as well as the Wiki.
  3. H

    Dashcam - How do you not see a full-size pickup?

    Yep. That is why I hate driving. Everyone's in a rush to go nowhere.
  4. H

    Dashcam - How do you not see a full-size pickup?

    Unfortunately the driving test in the US is way way too easy to pass. I passed it first time, not once but twice. I passed my test in the UK at my 3rd attempt and spent 24 years driving there without ever having an accident that was my fault. I recall having 7 accidents in total. I had 3 hit...
  5. H

    PLZ HELP. Cant connect to HIK cameras on ipv4 but can on internal nic

    You have no default gateway specified on your lan adapter, any particular reason for this?
  6. H

    What's causing this issue?

    Monoprice cable is actually pretty decent.
  7. H

    What's causing this issue?

    Did you use CCA or Copper cable? Solid or stranded? Are you using 586A or B for the wiring scheme? Are you sure that the terminations are tight? Some crimpers can be poor.
  8. H

    POE Switch

    That should be more than enough. In reality you'll probably be using around 5w per camera, if not less.
  9. H

    Why can't I access IP camera from different computer (on same LAN)?

    It always helps to give complete information as no one other than you knows how your network is set up. You would need to add a route to your camera on your Windows pc specifying the interface to use. Take a look at the route add command in Windows. You would also need to add a route pointing to...
  10. H

    Why can't I access IP camera from different computer (on same LAN)?

    Welcome to the forum. You've only provided half the information. What is the subnet mask and default gateway of each device?
  11. H

    Switch Recommendations

    Personally I'd go with managed switches. You could probably pick up 2 HP Procurve 2620 switches for around $80 used. Since these are a layer 3 switch, you could implement inter-vlan routing with your home network, the BI pc and your cameras all on separate vlans. The reason I recommend this...
  12. H

    some people just shouldn't be driving...

    You should burn the videos to DVD. Gift wrap the DVD and enclose an invoice for the damage done and have your neighbor forward them to her friend.
  13. H

    some people just shouldn't be driving...

    Was that the only place to turn around on the whole fricking road? Another lazy mindless numbskull.
  14. H

    Hello from Central Illinois

    The 3560 also appears to be able to do layer 3 routing (inter-vlan routing). As long as the BI pc is on a separate vlan to that of the cameras, only allow the camera vlan to communicate with the BI pc. If you look at my setup, you would only have 2 vlans instead of the 3 that I have. If you want...
  15. H

    Hello from Central Illinois

    Yes it's possible, you just need to set up some static route(s) in the router. You really want BI to be on a dedicated pc though. If you're willing to learn, we can help you get there. If you look at the attached document, this is my setup.
  16. H

    Blue Iris and double NIC setup

    The switch does have a limited web interface, it also has a menu that runs from the command line. The greatest control comes from using the command line interface. If you're willing to learn, it's not overly difficult. My switch lives in the laundry room and I can only hear it when the laundry...
  17. H

    Blue Iris and double NIC setup

    Just my 2 cents. I use a HP Procurve 2620 POE switch which has been segregated into 3 vlans. My home network plugs into one vlan, the BI pc resides on one vlan and the cameras reside on their own vlan. I have inter-vlan routing set up on the switch so that the cameras and BI pc can talk to each...
  18. H

    Hello from Central Illinois

    Welcome to the forum. I'd be tempted to move the BI pc to the POE switch and have it on a separate vlan to the cameras. This will isolate the cameras from your home network and you can also setup an access list to prevent traffic from the camera going anywhere other than to the BI pc.
  19. H

    One Of My HardDrives Keeps Disappearing

    Use gsmartcontrol to check the health of the drive.
  20. H

    Canadian newbie here! have 4 cameras and will be expanding

    Welcome to the forum. Be sure to check out the Cliff Notes and Wiki.
  21. H

    Setup cameras so each user can only see what cameras I want

    Use groups to do this. Add each camera to the appropriate group and then assign the relevant group to each user account.
  22. H

    Upgraded Computer, now with worse performance!

    Damn right. If you don't know how much thermal past to apply, then you shouldn't be touching a processor.
  23. H

    Upgraded Computer, now with worse performance!

    You answered your own question there, one that I didn't ask. I don't need to know exactly how much I'd need to use and neither did I ask for it. I'd suggest you look up the meaning of the word liberally before getting upset. :)
  24. H

    Upgraded Computer, now with worse performance!

    Thermal compound is not designed to be used liberally. The whole purpose of it is to fill any air pockets between the surface of the cpu and the heath sink thereby increasing thermal transfer. Too much thermal paste and you are effectively doing the opposite. Only a very thin even layer should...
  25. H

    Good Morin everybody, how everyone doing out there, Happy Saturday!

    Have you checked the POE switch at around the time the cameras are dropping to see if something is happing to the switch since this is common to all of the cameras?
  26. H

    New home pre wire for outside cameras -Help

    Solid copper cable should be used. Stranded copper cable should really be used for patch leads.
  27. H

    My Wife And The Skunk

    That's an understatement. I'd never come across a skunk in all my years of living in the UK. When I moved to Canada and was working for that legendary company called BlackBerry, the security guard came around to warn us that there was a skunk outside. I thought what's the big deal? It wasn't...
  28. H

    Dashcam - How do you not see a full-size pickup?

    I didn't know Stevie Wonder had a driving licence.
  29. H

    HDW4431C constantly trying to contact a china IP address

    If the IP address is hardcoded then pointing the DNS servers to a null address is not going to do anything. It is the default gateway that needs to be pointed to a null address. You should not be allowing your cameras any type of internet access. This is why it is recommended to use vlans to...
  30. H

    Favor Please?

    Just checked and it's fixed. Thanks to you and Ken for the quick resolution.