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  1. L

    Remote Driveway Activation

    Optex has a good bang for the buck for outer peremiter intrusion. Rcdt 20 has alarm outs on interior annunciator to trigger a ptz preset. It runs on a once a year 9v and has 1000’ real world range.
  2. L

    Conditional alarm, is it possible?

    “External sensor?” Want to elaborate? Might require a ‘magic box!’
  3. L

    Live view stops on DMSS; is there any way to make it a continuous feed?

    I concur. A lot of the widows or women who live in the country who’s husbands work away from home I’ll set up a dedicated tablet/ipad on a stand on their countertops so they can just glance over instead of switching inputs on a tv or firing their phones and apps up. Typically they have to...
  4. L

    Point your PTZ's NORTH tonight....

    North of KC with iPhone
  5. L

    Dahua NVR AI

    It works but keep in mind it’s limited in the amount of channels it can do. I just did a Hikvision takeover where I wanted to drop a 16 ch dahua in leave the 8 hik cams and add 4 more dahua cams. I had to drop a 32 ch nvr in to accomplish because of the 4-8 ch AI by recorder limitations of a 16...
  6. L

    Doorbell camera

    I wonder if they also have mesh networks? Maybe try temporarily shutting down nodes and only using main router to see if it is the ASUS mesh. I’ve only installed about 6, all commercial but 1 and have noticed they can be a little jenky. Not tried a wireless video feed over but other weirdness
  7. L

    Annke NVR UTP maximum length

    Weird; I don’t even see that post above^^
  8. L

    Anyone tried these 2mm thermals?

    It is. Between US, international (what you guys use) the model numbers are completely different. I’ve asked several times here if anyone has found a Rosetta Stone!
  9. L

    Anyone tried these 2mm thermals?

    Speaking of cheap, has anyone noticed dahua no longer sells the higher resolutions in thermal on this line? Up until recently these were available for $415. The higher end one was double, same visible/IR lens but twice res on thermal.
  10. L

    Anyone tried these 2mm thermals?

    If you’re willing to bury cables out aways and had a solid inner peremiter of visible? For $400 bucks in the middle of nowhere with no light; I think it would be a force multiplier. If, big one, the ability to not get deer, wolves, cattle and such alarms vs 2 legged pests!
  11. L

    Anyone tried these 2mm thermals?

    Could give a decent bang for buck as an outer peremiter. EVX Temperature Measurement Mini Hybrid Thermal Network Eyeball Camera (256 x 192) - Dahua Technology - World Leading Video-Centric AIoT Solution & Service Provider
  12. L

    Doorbell camera

    Jim’s got a few unknowns in there; what frequency? What distances? How many and what type of materials are each trying to penetrate?
  13. L

    Annke NVR UTP maximum length

    Signal loss from each coupler. Every connection is a point of resistance, and possible failure.
  14. L

    Annke NVR UTP maximum length

    If they were provided cables and you’re sure they’re good, I’d troubleshoot elsewhere.
  15. L

    Thrown object detection

    You want to be able to detect something as small as a pill thrown over a fence at distance, at night?
  16. L

    Anyone used any 3rd party devices with dahua?

    In the US our selection of products is nothing compared to the international site and for years even the old xvr’s have this IoT tab that I’ve never seen in use. It would be very cool for just all the restaurants to add temperature sensors to the walkins and alarm them if it failed and they were...
  17. L

    I almost finalized TP-Link VIGI C340S, need your inputs

    That, and even the ones with better fluency give themselves away by saying your name as bookends on every single sentence; “Tony, did you try rebooting Tony?!”
  18. L

    I almost finalized TP-Link VIGI C340S, need your inputs

    Other than cheap dumb switches I won’t use any tplink products that I might have to call support for. They are like getting Hikvision on the phone; (reschedule rest of the day for wait time) but with people who barely speak English.
  19. L

    Love this community! (This motorcycle was flying 50MPH+ in a 25 residential area)

    Homicide is all I deal with around KC. Doesn’t matter how good the footage is of thieves, and I quit “loaning “ detectives jump drives years ago. Still have yet to ever get even 1 back!
  20. L

    Turing NVR TN-NRP164T

    Who is they? Turing has their own app and hasn’t even been around long enough for any of their hardware to be out of warranty.
  21. L

    Suspects casing and returning later in the night.

    Street looks clean for SF!
  22. L

    Playback from Dahua NVR without a browser

    That’s easier than opening a browser?
  23. L

    Customising layout with sub-groups

    Surely there’s a way, one of the guys versed in BI will chime in.
  24. L

    Need your recommendation pls.

    Banks, airports, casinos and clandestine organizations back when I was working for a company that had those types of clients were all server/software based processing. Milestone, genetech and avigilon. Granted that was a decade ago but just from what some of the guys here have experience with I...
  25. L

    My camera keeps going offline every couple of hours. What do I need to check?

    “Actual PoE power budget is not guaranteed and will vary as a result of client limitations and environmental factors.” how long of a run, type of cable? The switches I use for ptzs have a couple of 90 watt red ports in the bank. Used to have similar problems using both switches and injectors...
  26. L

    My camera keeps going offline every couple of hours. What do I need to check?

    It’s almost always the power. Just because the overall advertised budget of a switch doesn’t mean 1 port can handle x amount of that.
  27. L

    Picture distortion on Analog cameras

    Try turning the lights off or pointing the cam away from leds.
  28. L

    Doorbell camera

    AFAIK dahua doesn’t have a battery doorbell. Maybe in the overseas market
  29. L

    Nice Save

    I am not getting out to stand that up!