Live view stops on DMSS; is there any way to make it a continuous feed?


Pulling my weight
Sep 1, 2021
I googled this but couldn't find an answer. I am using DMSS (1.99.710) on an iPad and using the camera's IP to connect. It connects and live view works but then after about 15-30 seconds it stops. It never reconnects after it stops.

Is there any way to configure DMSS to run a continuous feed? Didn't see any setting in DMSS to make this happen. I have an old iPad that I want to use to always show one camera live (it's a 10 year old iPad that I am trying to put to good use). If DMSS doesn't do this, is there any other way I could do continuous live feed?

I am using SUB for live view. Also, here are my SUB settings on DMSS.


Here are my SUB settings on the camera

Screen Shot 2024-05-11 at 11.39.56 PM.png
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Don’t think it’s a DMSS issue. Rather something between the video source and iPad isn’t able to keep up with the live stream, or the iPad itself
Don’t think it’s a DMSS issue. Rather something between the video source and iPad isn’t able to keep up with the live stream, or the iPad itself
I concur. A lot of the widows or women who live in the country who’s husbands work away from home I’ll set up a dedicated tablet/ipad on a stand on their countertops so they can just glance over instead of switching inputs on a tv or firing their phones and apps up. Typically they have to reboot app a couple times a month. But these are always on the same network.
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Ok, thanks for the infos. That lead me to do some more troubleshooting.

I have two NIC cards in my pfsense firewall. I opened 37777 for the other NIC and used that network to connect DMSS. It works.

I have no idea why DMSS is dying after 30 seconds on the other one. I don't see anything in the firewall rules that would cause this. Also, nothing stands out in the packet capture. I don't get an error in DMSS, the video just stops.

Any network guys on here that maybe have some ideas? Freakin weird problem.
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