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  1. C

    What cha listening to?

    You asked :). Once a week, I'll play something from Roy Clark, Gary Moore, Postmodern JukeBox (Scott Bradlee changes the genre and/or decade of songs, sampling below), or go classical with Chopin.
  2. C

    Bobcat fell into pool

    Saw the the title and expected to see an actual animal falling into your pool :). Friends of mine bought a house with a pool (pretty much new) and he went with a salt water pool. Not as much work as a chlorine, but still have to keep it clean, maintain/repair pump and ensure heater is working...
  3. C

    Turkey struttin his stuff

    Hens playing hard to get :).
  4. C

    BI SSD Average Life

    I have a couple 128GB MLC SanDisks still going, I think they are around 7-8 years old. Instead of replacing my Thinkpad T40 and X200 laptops, placing a SSD gives them new life (Linux-based). Had one Kingston and Crucial die, however I have numerous Crucial and Samsung SSDs at work. The...
  5. C

    Alert Folder Clip Age and AI Images

    Wittaj, are you saying that any more than 200,000 images/stills will cause issues?
  6. C

    Alert Folder Clip Age and AI Images

    I recently switched my doorbell cam from Sentry to DS. I get about 20-30 images per day of non-persons (cats, dogs, shadows,etc) in the standard Alerts folder, where DS will pick the new image up and check. If it's a person (only thing I'm looking for), it will save it to my Telegram_Folder...
  7. C

    One cam's ip has changed?

    There a couple of ways. Use a static IP address on the camera and set your DHCP range below the cam IP addresses, as Sphinxicus mentioned. For example, have DHCP serve addresses from to Then use to as your static IP address range. Use...
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    Funny / Satire

    New Law & Order Series
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    Losing Weight

    @SJGUSMC21, good going on dropping the weight. Went from 170 to 188 over the last two years, missed the good food / salad bar at work, along with running with a few friends during lunch...doing as a group keeps you motivated. My uncle (former SeaBee) had both knees replaced, he was a...
  10. C

    Mini PC?

    If you want to ensure that it will run Win 11 (Win 10 end of life is 2025), then you should look at an 8th generation CPU (i.e. i7-8700) or newer. The J1900 is old, was good for a pfSense firewall, Home Assistant, etc., another words something that doesn't need much power.
  11. C

    Any Cord Cutters Here?

    I believe the reasoning of 720p vs 1080i on OTA stations is that 720p was better for sports action at that time. Interlace (1080i) updates the odd lines, then even lines, while progressive paints all lines at the same time. My ABC and Fox stations broadcast their main station as 720p, while...
  12. C

    IP Camera to Smart TV

    I'm not familiar with the TizenOS that Samsung uses, you can check for tiny camera pro, ip cam viewer, etc to see if it's in the app store. If you are only going to do live view and don't care about recording, viewing from a browser is ok, but I have yet to use a browser long-term (several...
  13. C

    IP Camera to Smart TV

    It's recommended here that you go wired, as WiFi is not as reliable; and you'll get POE power to cam. You don't mention the type of TV, there may be an app that can be used, like IP Cam Viewer, instead of using a browser. Must have gotten below freezing in Central NY last night.
  14. C

    Able to view all live cameras/groups on Roku!

    The Roku App may have an issue with the stunnel unsigned cert.
  15. C

    Able to view all live cameras/groups on Roku!

    I assume your roku is local to your BI system. I assume https:// is only for Stunnel access. Can you access ui3 using, if so, change the Roku app to http instead.
  16. C

    Suddenlink - No access to port forward

    Check out ZeroTier, others here have used it with success and there are others that do something similar. Do a search here about discussion. FYI:
  17. C

    Funny / Satire

    I guess FART is a bad word for license plate :).
  18. C

    Blue iris telegram bot setup

    I don't use Telegram, however you may want edit your message to hide your chat ID and I've seen others masking their bot information in the curl https string also... Have you checked out this troubleshooting thread?
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    Help on connecting NAS storage to Blue Iris please!

    Check out this comment about trying to write directly to a NAS device.
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    World-wide facial recognition

    I wonder if you could copyright your face :D?