I have my Alerts folder set to 20GB and 180 days. I have no idea if thats something I set a long time ago, or thats the default. I remember never really losing alerts before losing the clips, but now I've noticed that if I go back 2 weeks, I have the clips, but not alerts
I went into the folder and saw that I've hit 20GB, and its full of a ton of JPEG's from my AI cameras. Is there a way to separate out those, or have the AI images delete sooner? the AI images could be deleted instantly for all I care
Here is how I have it set for DS

I went into the folder and saw that I've hit 20GB, and its full of a ton of JPEG's from my AI cameras. Is there a way to separate out those, or have the AI images delete sooner? the AI images could be deleted instantly for all I care
Here is how I have it set for DS