Alert Folder Clip Age and AI Images


Known around here
May 14, 2019
I have my Alerts folder set to 20GB and 180 days. I have no idea if thats something I set a long time ago, or thats the default. I remember never really losing alerts before losing the clips, but now I've noticed that if I go back 2 weeks, I have the clips, but not alerts

I went into the folder and saw that I've hit 20GB, and its full of a ton of JPEG's from my AI cameras. Is there a way to separate out those, or have the AI images delete sooner? the AI images could be deleted instantly for all I care

Here is how I have it set for DS

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I assume if I have it not store the file, I'll lose it on alert emails?

If I delete the files manually, will I need to make the database regen/repair etc?
I'll give that a shot, thanks
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I emailed BI support about this last year and never heard back. I think it's kind of important to be able to save the jpg alerts somewhere other than the alerts folder just to keep the alerts folder manageable on larger systems.
I recently switched my doorbell cam from Sentry to DS. I get about 20-30 images per day of non-persons (cats, dogs, shadows,etc) in the standard Alerts folder, where DS will pick the new image up and check. If it's a person (only thing I'm looking for), it will save it to my Telegram_Folder and send me the image. I played with BI object size/contrast (380/38) and along with a zone to eliminate my bushes, tree limbs and the road (pretty far away) to reduce the number of images in the Alerts folder.

I have mine set for 80GB/14Days.
Ugh, like the OP, I am also struggling to get a handle on this Alert folder size vs. file deletion schedule. I just had to bump mine from 10GB to 15GB, but don't know yet how to balance this out in the long term. I only have 4 cameras at the moment, but noticed I only had about 2 weeks of alerts available, when I'd like to see at least twice that. When does that folder size/number of files become problematic from a performance perspective?

are you saying that any more than 200,000 images/stills will cause issues?
Combination of anything 200,000 as part of clips in the bottom setting of BI on the main console screen.
I'd kill to be able to use a real SQL database...
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