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  1. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    This is the same firmware but an older version...
  2. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    There is a newer chinese firmware for Eos, but no official/english one newer than 20161209. And the chinese one only adds firmware signature verification and breaks telnet from what I've seen...
  3. C

    NodeJS Module: node-dahua-api

    Sorry, I don't do javascript.
  4. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Come on... Read the damn OP! You have the same camera as I do. You can use the Eos firmware from the OP. Factory reset is recommended (through the web UI).
  5. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Someone I've been chatting with on IRC flashed the image on his camera.
  6. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Patched the region check from the Rhea firmware and added telnet on port 2300: Edit: Apparently telnet is not working, need to check if same version (chinese) Eos firmware does this too (since I only have Eos cams)...
  7. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Will do tomorrow. Give me your config for HCVR7x08 and the firmware you used so I can try.
  8. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Good, you should try this now: and if that works then you know that you can restore the camera from u-boot if it doesn't boot anymore. And I've also restored the camera with a raspberry pi and a clip like this before: SOIC8 SOP8 Flash Chip IC Test Clips Socket Adpter BIOS/24/25/93 Programmer...
  9. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    "Is it hard to do it?" - Not for me? If you have a USB to UART (serial) converter and used linux before then it's definitely possible. You can try Dahua IPC unbricking / recovery over serial UART and TFTP and do the ping $serverip part to check if your camera can do TFTP recovery. Which...
  10. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    I only patched the region check in the english firmware you sent me. Recovery without firmware, good question... You could get into the camera if you have a serial adapter and the knowledge and dump the current firmware. Bricking isn't very likely once that part of the code is patched, since...
  11. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Here is a quick patch:
  12. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    For Eos (3rd gen) cameras: in the fucking OP.....
  13. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    The public key is used to verify the digital signature in the sign.img file. The proper signature can only be created with the corresponding private key. I swapped out dahuas public key with my own so we can sign our own images in case upgraded and tftp method fail in that guys camera. He was...
  14. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    I think they might have just killed /bin/login I made utelnetd open /bin/sh instead, try it out:
  15. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    telnet is on port 2300
  16. C

    NodeJS Module: node-dahua-api

    I've implemented this in python with digest auth support: Trigger blue iris with IVS?
  17. C

    IPC-HDB4300C HTTP API - Get current alarm state

    Trigger blue iris with IVS?
  18. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Quoting my PM with him: I also found the signing code in sonia, could sign my own firmware kek. Just going to disable it on the next version. Fucking Dahua. Bad news for new cameras though, with the new firmware upgraded is not running by default, only after sonia exits. So we need to find a...
  19. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Never had that one but try this: Factory reset in the webui and clear your browser cache, eg. CTRL + F5 / CTRL + SHIFT + R.
  20. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    The software in this thread is not the official english firmware, it's patched. The software for english and chinese is the same, however if the language is not chinese the hardware checks in the software will enable and reboot your camera if it's not an international model. This is why you...
  21. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Considering your model is listed in the compatibility list for the Eos firmware, I'd download that..... Did you even read the OP?
  22. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Detect what? All it does is extract and pack firmware.. If the firmware you downloaded was not chinese, it will probably break your chinese camera. And the cameras all use different mechanisms to detect which region it belongs to.
  23. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Sadly Dahua has not added anything obvious in their model numbers. You could try googling the model, compare how many English results you get versus Chinese, could work right?
  24. C

    Special Request

    HDW4431C-A is Eos, see Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware Pretty easy to unbrick cameras with TFTP, if you are up for some fun why not? You also update your computer regularly even though there probably isn't anything wrong. Or do you not?
  25. C

    Dahua IPC EASY unbricking / recovery over TFTP

    Looks like you flashed the wrong firmware? Which camera is that and which firmware did you use. Also printenv and paste the HWID
  26. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    Dahua added an "UpdateChecker" into their firmware two versions ago. It connects to their server and reports the current version, language, serial number, model, etc. I don't know if it will actually update the camera, maybe only if there is a security vuln. I've disabled that feature in my...
  27. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    I patched the Chinese one very quickly and flashed it to my cam: I don't see any changes to be honest... When the English version is out I'll make a full image, this one has: region check patched, telnet added...
  28. C

    Dahua Firmware Mod Kit + Modded Dahua Firmware

    When the english version is available I will: Index of /Dahua/kamerove_systemy/_Firmware/04IPC/IPC-HX4XXX-Eos/DH