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  1. S

    How are Dahua doorbells?

    Yeah, sadly POE is not an option as the builder only ran a standard doorbell cable.
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    How are Dahua doorbells?

    So, I’m really opposed to monthly fees to view cloud camera feeds and whatnot. I’ve used Dahua for well over a decade now, and everyone’s always amazed the quality and ease of use of my cameras in DMSS. I’m looking to get away from the monthly fees of Ring, and had been considering a Ubiquiti...
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    IPC-T5442T-ZE picture issues

    Honestly, the green screenshot looks like whatever I get when I try to view the RTSP feed on my cams - however the native Dahua feeds are perfect, as are recordings. Did you try h265?
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    Okay, slight topic shift. My father-in-law had an attempted break in early this morning (only thwarted by a neighbor calling him while it was in progress), and I've finally convinced him he could use some cameras. However, unlike myself where image quality and discreteness is key, here I'm...
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    Is my SD49225T-HN dead?

    My SD49225T-HN PTZ seems to have died. My recordings stop at Sunday March 12th, 1:00 AM exactly. There was a weekly reboot scheduled at that time. Prior to that everything with the recordings were fine, no glitches or issues. Currently when I plug the cable in, the PTZ portion goes through the...
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    Can you mount to standard electrical boxes?

    Thanks! Didn’t know that existed.
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    Can you mount to standard electrical boxes?

    Is there any way to mount a Dahua turret camera to a standard single gang or 4” round ceiling electrical box (for under soffit mount)? I can’t tell if the PFA130-E can do this or not.
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    It’s just hooked up to one of the 5216’s POE ports, which are POE+ rated. I always use quality solid copper CAT6 cable. The ends were re-terminated, but I suppose there could be an issue with the actual run (like a kink or something). I know back in 2018 this particular hardware version...
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    Thanks for the advice! I won’t push the resolution then. Probably just upping the bitrate would give me what I’m looking for. I’m currently running an original SD49225T-HN PTZ and the thing has been an utter nightmare. Constantly locking up and requiring the power pulled through years of...
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    Thanks! But also, ugh. Preferred just to get whatever the current version of the 5216 was - but it seems like they’re all 2-3X or more expensive? I guess I’ll standardize on 5442’s around the house as I do know they work well in zero light, although I find their daytime HDR sometimes a bit...
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    Three quick questions: How's the T5842 versus the T5442? I saw a review comparing these and the sharpness seems stellar, and night IR performance... similar? Though it's hard to tell. For these cams, are there ever feature differences between the vari-focal and fixed lens versions? The price...
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    Is there a reason why those cameras are choosing to use visible light illumination instead of IR? It seems a bit weird that my cameras would be constantly illuminating my exterior all night long.
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    So, the 4K model definitely requires ambient light? The house is in a new rural development on largish lots, and I’m not sure there will be streetlights. Lots of moonlight, though, since there’s like zero trees around. I’m happy with the 5442, but you can never have too much resolution. The...
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    So, it's 2023 now - and I'm moving to a new house, so it's time for an all-new camera system! Two years ago I added two of the IPC-T5442TM-AS to my system and they've been doing very well (although I think the microphone quality was better on the HDW5231R-ZE). But I'm looking to see what...
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    Dahua SmartPSS Crashing in Windows 10

    Good call on that one! Brand new Asus Z690 Hero setup in Windows 11 and after a clean, fresh SmartPSS installation with zero customization besides adding my NVR, it would crash instantly on live view if software decoding was selected, and after 5-10 seconds with hardware decoding selected. I...
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    It’s a NVR5216-16P-4KS2E (2018). Previous firmware I had on these cams showed the correct model, and it does so for 4 other different Dahua models I’m using. (All with firmware updated yesterday). I’ve seen this before on this and at least one or two other models, and I thought it was more...
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    Only annoyance with this firmware - the cameras just register as "IP Camera" on my DVR instead of a specific model (like the previous firmware version I had did). When you hve as many different models in your system as I do, it's nice when the cameras identify themselves correctly!
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    SD1A203T-GN SD49225T-HN General_SD-Mao-Rhea_MultiLang_PN_Stream3_IVS_V2.800.0000000.6.R.210705

    This flashed OK to my 2018 SD49225T-HN (not S2). Frankly, this particular camera has never worked right for me and has only been getting worse as time goes on. Originally, it would just stop working and be unreliable to the point where I had to schedule nightly reboots as something of a...
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    Bulk discount From EmpireTech-Andy on Amazon shop

    Ordered two cams + mounts on the Amazon Canada sale. Thanks for actually having stock in Canada!
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    Dahua IPC-HDW5442T-ZE 4MP Varifocal Turret - Night Perfomance testing

    ...So which of these is the better camera? The VariFocal or the fixed lens (-AS, as Andy sells) version? Fixed lens has better low light performance and shows 50m vs 40m IR, but the VariFocal shows ePOE support, 1gb vs 512mb RAM... and seems to show the third stream supporting 1080p @ 30fps vs...
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    Well, according to IPVM the 1/2.8“ 2.7mm cameras I currently have are 101 degrees FOV, while 1/1.8” with 2.8mm is 113 degrees, and 3.6mm is 89 degrees. So, either 12 degrees more, or less.
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    Ah... this is interesting. Makes me think I should be going 3.6mm to get a similar field of view, or VariFocal.
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    Thanks for the response. I guess that describing my situation would be beneficial. The current cameras (8 of them) are installed outside my rural-ish home, under the eaves, which is about 17-18 feet off the ground. While they are used for security purposes, they’re more often used to watch...
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    Dahua best cam 2021? (Now 2023!)

    See new post: Dahua best cam 2021? ------------------ A couple years ago, I built a Dahua system using HDW5231R-ZE for “premium” locations and HDW2231R-ZS for “budget” locations. The image quality between those two is pretty much identical, I just get more stream options plus audio on the 5...
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    Dahua NVR: continuous record + motion detection marking?

    Ah, I see. They should really change that to just record an index file of “events” for the bigger files. (Yeah I know, get BI, but this is enough for me). I used to run other, older Dahua cams using the native in-cam software to record motion to a NAS and it was very buggy - it would...
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    Dahua NVR: continuous record + motion detection marking?

    Okay, but since that's a "storage" schedule it implies, to me, that it's going to potentially record events twice, once continuous and again for all motion? And how about the individual channel settings - do I then need to enable Video Detect and NOT select "Record Channel"? Or leave that enabled?
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    Dahua NVR: continuous record + motion detection marking?

    Out of the box, my new NVR5216-16P-4KS2E was configured for continuous recording, which is what I want. But, I was hoping for a way to have the timeline indicate motion events. What exactly is the best way to go about this? Using all Dahua cameras.