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  1. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    This event became even more suspensful anf interesting with the 4th place spin. Lol
  2. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Haha, weeks before all the votes are tallied?
  3. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    More spins to go or have we completed the event?
  4. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Just use the attachments on the 1st page. Also, if you were asking (which you did not) I would spend 5 minutes emailing/DMing Andy to see if he had any deals going on when lookin for devices. He seems to always be willing to help out.
  5. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    How to Join Send me an email of your order screenshot (Have to show the order No. and order details) to with your name, shipping address or send me a DM on IPcamTalk and I will send back your lottery number or numbers. To purchase one or two lottery numbers, send me an...
  6. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Andy has merchant pages in his first post. Amazon , ipcamtalk and aliexpress links. Use those or email him directly as he mentioned.
  7. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Do you have a specific splitter you use/suggest? I woul like a minimal of gear/wires on the outside of the house. So splitters and power supplies on the outside of the house are not optimal. Maybe i am overlooking a simple solution.
  8. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Thanks Mike but that does not appear to be poe. Appreciate the effort though.
  9. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    @EMPIRETECANDY do you also have poe IR illuminators for purchase? I am looking to add one, maybe two illuminators to the back of the house towards the woods to capture wildlife at night. Thank you
  10. slidermike

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Dave, right now you have to edit the windows registry to change the custom models folder location. It will remain greyed out in the BI gui until there is better integration. Change the path to match where mike shows. Thats the default install location for CPAI (containers are diff) and with the...
  11. slidermike

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Getting CPAI installed and going is not the tough part. The devils in the details. If you want to use DeepStack then its as easy as it was before. If you go with CPAI then there is more manual effort as it has not been fully integrated. Start with getting CPAI and installing it. If your tech...
  12. slidermike

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    BlueIris was the original AI integrated with BI so thats what the registry key calls the AI. That is the path to the custom models no matter which AI you choose to use. Deepstack or Code Project AI.
  13. slidermike

    which PoE switches are recommended and work for all cameras?

    The Netgear switches should have lifetime warranty. See if they will swap the old one. Depending on if its EOL they may upgrade as part of the process. I have newer poe cameras (no older than 2yrs old) and my Netgear poe switch works great. Though I wish it was higher port density. Cost vs need...
  14. slidermike

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Thank you for the continued firmware updates Andy and everyone that submits features/bug fixes. Updated (not default config) both my 5442tm-as & 5442t-ze. Zero issues so far. SMD 3.0 V2.8 2022 Aug Version
  15. slidermike

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    I am unsure how to tell BI to utilize more than 1 custom model set in the AI section. Do we have to put a ; or some other delimiter to tell BI that its more than 1 custom set? And where are the YOLO5 .pt files? Sorry for the newbie questions but finding this after the fact is not as straight...
  16. slidermike

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Thank you for posting your settings sir. It helped confirm most of what I had already. I am still at a loss how to actually edit the json to turn off the various modules running by CPAI. Right now I have 6 green boxes showing as started. I too only need (think anyway) "Custom Object Detection"...
  17. slidermike

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    All 17 pages of the thread, no sir. I have been watching it off an on for about a week. There are bits n pieces in this and that post but assembling them into a easily digestable format for a relatively new AI user is where I am at. I had DP AI working fine thanks to various users posting...
  18. slidermike

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    I am not locating a clear document (despite googling) that explains how to configure bi and cpai(codeproject ai). Fresh windows 11 install of bi. No deepstack added. Latest release of cpai says its running. Local host 5000 configured. I see messages in bi saying motion detected and coming back...
  19. slidermike

    BI5 run as a Win service ask for a password?

    @JakA if I understand your question, you run the local windows admin account without a password and every time you log into BI it prompts you for or recommends you do not go without a password. This is where you can tic the box to let BI run with local account. Hopefully I understood your...
  20. slidermike

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Thank you sir. I do not see that despite the original post being made in 2021 (noted at the top), that at the bottom right it says modified in 2022.
  21. slidermike

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Hello, I am new to the forums. I just received my first IPC-T5442TM-AS from Andy. Since its coming out of the box I would like to make sure it is on the current/latest stable release firmware. My issue is locating where to download the files from and where is a list of revisions? I am sure the...