BI5 run as a Win service ask for a password?


Aug 16, 2022
When i try to run BI5 as a windows service it ask for a password, i do not use a password to log into my PC as it is a local admin account

What password is BI asking for as i do not use one. If i leave it blank it says using loacal system account is not recommended.

Can any one help?
No not really. It tells me to add a password to my account.

I do not want a password. No one uses it but me and it's not convenient. It that the only way?
Did you read this in the "help" file? :

By default Windows does not allow services to run on accounts without passwords (blank passwords). You may override this with a registry setting:
Although discouraged, you may instead force the software to use the LocalSystem account for the service by specifying a blank user name and password. The LocalSystem may not have the same system access as a standard Windows administrator account, leading to issues with antivirus and storage access.
This has been discussed here before. Search is your friend:

What version Windows do you have? I am pretty sure you set up your computer initially with a user and password and then turned it off...

Click the Windows windows key Start menu.

• Type Control Panel in the search box, then select Control Panel in the search results.

• In Control Panel, open User Accounts.

• Click on Manage User Accounts.

• All user accounts will be listed on the page. Each account is part of a group (Administrator, Standard, etc).

Or try this way:

Determining your Windows Username | Technical Support Services

See these threads as well...

Local Console Login?
Installed latest update and received Locale Console Login???? Not sure what that is... can't get in now.

run as a windows srvc / service login Problem

Blue Iris/Windows service problem

Wpndows 7 ult. i am trying to enable windows service for Blur Iris. getting windows login box.touble ii have noo password for windows. Help please,at wits end

Upgraded to now prompting for user/pw?
Did you read this in the "help" file? :

By default Windows does not allow services to run on accounts without passwords (blank passwords). You may override this with a registry setting:
Although discouraged, you may instead force the software to use the LocalSystem account for the service by specifying a blank user name and password. The LocalSystem may not have the same system access as a standard Windows administrator account, leading to issues with antivirus and storage access.

Yes i did.
This has been discussed here before. Search is your friend:

What version Windows do you have? I am pretty sure you set up your computer initially with a user and password and then turned it off...

Click the Windows windows key Start menu.

• Type Control Panel in the search box, then select Control Panel in the search results.

• In Control Panel, open User Accounts.

• Click on Manage User Accounts.

• All user accounts will be listed on the page. Each account is part of a group (Administrator, Standard, etc).

Or try this way:

Determining your Windows Username | Technical Support Services

See these threads as well...

Local Console Login?
Installed latest update and received Locale Console Login???? Not sure what that is... can't get in now.

run as a windows srvc / service login Problem

Blue Iris/Windows service problem

Wpndows 7 ult. i am trying to enable windows service for Blur Iris. getting windows login box.touble ii have noo password for windows. Help please,at wits end

Upgraded to now prompting for user/pw?

If doing the registry setting leaves a backdoor. Is there a way to have a password on windows but never actually type it in? Where it is prefilled.

I'm using Win 11 Pro.
Is there a way to have a password on windows but never actually type it in? Where it is prefilled.
Heck, how many times do you log in to your BI server daily? Once? 5 times? 20 times? Why is a password such a problem?

Most people that use BI deploy it as dedicated to video surveillance and nothing else and it runs 24/7/365 and don't have to keep logging into it...that way it's more likely to record something of importance, the whole reason for it to begin least for the majority of people.
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Presumably he has the machine in a visible place where it auto logs in and runs the BI console.

I have mine hidden away so not obvious to find so that should some scum bags break in they aren’t presented with a logged in administrator screen where they could potentially delete saved clips?
If doing the registry setting leaves a backdoor. Is there a way to have a password on windows but never actually type it in?
it doesn't.
Because i do not want to use one. Why is that such a issue for you?
I don't care either way...why don't you just follow the directions supplied to you?
Are you wanting someone to come over to your place and do it for you?
Yes, i accept your offer.
I apologize, my wife had just jumped on me about something petty and I was not thinking clearly and so I spoke hastily.
OK, that's not suddenly occurred to me I can't afford the gas from AL to NJ and back driving my F-150 so I rescind my offer. :highfive:

Anyway, if you want to run BI as a service but don't want to use a windows logon and password those directions should fix it up for you.
Once the requirements are met with the Windows password and BI set properly to run as a service, you will NOT have to EVER enter that password when you load BI again to login to local account.
Once the requirements are met with the Windows password and BI set properly to run as a service, you will NOT have to EVER enter that password when you load BI again to login to local account.

It is the windows log on password that i do not want. Who wants to enter that 50 times a day on a PC with nothing on it to secure. BI is only used at night.
It is the windows log on password that i do not want. Who wants to enter that 50 times a day on a PC with nothing on it to secure.
That sounds more like a screensaver timing out that is set to require a login password...50 times a day?
BI is only used at night.
You're kidding, right? :lmao:
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@JakA if I understand your question, you run the local windows admin account without a password and every time you log into BI it prompts you for or recommends you do not go without a password.

This is where you can tic the box to let BI run with local account.
Hopefully I understood your question and this helps.

Aside from the "did you read the docs" responses there is the real concern for having a machine (any OS) running an account with elevated privileges as your default.
How you run your own house is your own business.

@JakA if I understand your question, you run the local windows admin account without a password and every time you log into BI it prompts you for or recommends you do not go without a password.
FWIW, the OP stated that he wants to run BI as a service which has certain requirements as stated in BI's "Help" under "Running as a Service". He also does not want to have to enter a password. Below is an excerpt of the "Help" file:

"By default Windows does not allow services to run on accounts without passwords (blank passwords). You may override this with a registry setting:
Although discouraged, you may instead force the software to use the LocalSystem account for the service by specifying a blank user name and password. The LocalSystem may not have the same system access as a standard Windows administrator account, leading to issues with antivirus and storage access."