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  1. sjamieso

    Clip Storage Allocation showing '?' on LOCAL disks

    I just did the update and am having the same issue, very sad!
  2. sjamieso

    Clips / Archiving settings clarification

    Alright, well my main drive is a 7200 rpm baracuda that came with the Dell optiplex and I think my defined space in BlueIris was only 50GB or something for the "new" folder. I recall seeing somewhere where I should increase the size of the DB folder a bit more, what is yours set at? I will...
  3. sjamieso

    Clips / Archiving settings clarification

    This is basically the same question I'm asking myself for my system, i keep getting hung up in my head on what drive to put the Database on, I keep thinking the database and clips should be on the WD purple drive for best performance. My main drive is is nothing special, but I have a 4TB purple...
  4. sjamieso

    Computer for Blue Iris

    Awesome, I will install that today, thanks!
  5. sjamieso

    Blue Iris Hardware Recommendations

    I cant afford the 24 port ubiquity switch (For $550+++) that I want but i was eyeing up this smaller 8 port switch as a second to compliament my cheap dlink 8 port POE, since I am rapidly running out of POE room on my current 8 port.. lol I just purchased one of the ubiquity wireless access...
  6. sjamieso

    Computer for Blue Iris

    Thanks again! I will be posing a comparison of CPU Usage, but we all know how that is going to shake out, lol.. I saw that some people were contributing to a database somewhere for stats on cameras and CPU vs usage. Do you happen to know how can I contribute to that database, is it through the...
  7. sjamieso

    Computer for Blue Iris

    Thanks for your input fenderman, any input on size for the SSD on the primary drive? II assume I just need space for some clips before they get transferred to the other drive. I am going to have to re-watch the video on clips and archiving there was alot of info there was hard to keep up when I...
  8. sjamieso

    Computer for Blue Iris

    I've finally picked up the machine and am excited, i have my WD 4TB Purple drive, just waiting for the HDD caddy, to get it started. I noticed it came with a Windows 8.1 and small AMD R5 240 graphics card which I wasn't expecting (i guess it was an option with these dell machines) so I'm...
  9. sjamieso

    Entryway camera mounting question

    Great, I will ask Andy what he has available in the 2MP version then and stay with starlight for now..
  10. sjamieso

    Entryway camera mounting question

    I am trying to address this very question, I am about to purchase more from @EMPIRETECANDY some more cameras, and i was thinking the 4431 would be good, but I don't think that is a starlight model (thats the 4mp one) is it worth staying with the 4231 for that reason at the entranceways? my...
  11. sjamieso

    My IP cam kung fu is weak :(

    Yes I’ve had the cameras powered up before without POE so I have a tested setup for that, just not used to logging in without being on a local network and no internet or dhcp router or anything. Maybe I will bring the Dahua confit software with me tomorrow it might help me improve my ipcam “chi”
  12. sjamieso

    My IP cam kung fu is weak :(

    Well I used the spare wireless router that was in the same rand of which I took from home so logging onto that wirelessly should have put us on the right network I was assuming :(
  13. sjamieso

    My IP cam kung fu is weak :(

    I will read that right now!
  14. sjamieso

    My IP cam kung fu is weak :(

    I have been running 4 of andy's 5231 varifocal turrets with blue iris and SD cards at home for the past month or so and things are working great, I even have the iphone app working.... but.. I decided to take one of the cameras to my shop across town (no internet) to run stand alone with the...
  15. sjamieso

    Computer for Blue Iris

    Yes Ive been rating them by the passmark rating to sort of get an idea what is better than others, it was a real eye opener when I saw my AMD A10-7800 was somewhere in the 5000 range lol, nevermind the lack of quicksynch hahaha! The computer stores for new machines are pretty pricey, Anyone...
  16. sjamieso

    Computer for Blue Iris

    I'm Planning my upgrade from my AMD a-10 already, and looking at what i can get from dell in Canada here (ebay seems to be not as competitive up here with everything factored in; Dell Refurbished Dell OptiPlex 7020 - Desktops Dell OptiPlex 7020 This unit features: Chassis: Mini Tower...
  17. sjamieso

    Dahua 2MP Starlight Lineup

  18. sjamieso

    Dahua 2MP Starlight Lineup

    Question for you all, I cant seem to find the answer anywhere, I have 4 IPC-HDW5231RP-Z cameras from Andy @EMPIRETECANDY (Thanks andy!) but am wondering what to set them up as in Blue iris, I don't see them and not sure what family they fall under, I was guessing 4431, and they seem to work ok...
  19. sjamieso

    Cannot Change IP Address On Dahua IPC-HFW8232EP-Z

    I just went through this with 3 new cameras from Andy, below is the link to the wiki page of the config tool and you have to initialize the cameras first, so the instructions with the 5231 cameras are outdated now. Software/Dahua Toolbox/Initial Setup - Dahua Wiki Took a while to get all this...
  20. sjamieso

    Attempt at car theft. 1080p Dahua ip.

    Good input! Speaking of additional IR illumination, I was thinking about that for my dark garage, are people using these, and if so what works good for surveillance purposes?
  21. sjamieso

    Attempt at car theft. 1080p Dahua ip.

    I think you have this all wrong, that is clearly a good Samaritan going door to door for a lock it or loose it campaign, he would likely leave a note as a reminder to lock you door if he found one open ;) All kidding aside, i'll have to 2nd or 3rd the suggestions about motion lights in...
  22. sjamieso

    Hello all!

    Well I have received and setup my: Starlight Bullet w/SD, External Audio & Alarm (2.7mm-12mm): IPC-HFW5231E-Z (USA:N25BB5Z) On advice from you fine folks, and what a difference compared to my DLINK dcs-4602EV it completly blows it out of the water, I am impressed. I also received over the...
  23. sjamieso

    Hello all!

    Alright then, I have actually been trying to sift through a bunch of the articles that were sent to me in this thread, and fast honing in on the Dahua Starlight cameras as the best low buck option, just trying to decide if I can pick one up and run it with the stuff I have or what I would need...
  24. sjamieso

    Hello all!

    Thanks for the info, no my lorex system is an older POS wireless system that I added some cheal amazon zosi wireless cameras to and was pleasantly suprised they were about a million times better than lorex wireless hahaha! I'm just trying to decide wether to move forward with a couple more...
  25. sjamieso

    Hello all!

    Hi there, Like alot of you ive been dabbling in the cheap store bought cameras and trying to up my game on a budget, ive got a cheap lorex system, and upgraded to a couple (slightly better) dlink IP dome cameras. I am realizing there is alot more I need to learn for placement, camera size...