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  1. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    The Republicans were doing whatever they could to appeal to the left-- twice in a row, they ran left-of-center candidates, and both times they lost. The left then claimed that the right had moved too far to the right, despite doing this. Now we see how well THAT has worked out...
  2. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Looks like he sucking an invisible dick...
  3. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Yeah, I think someone is off his meds. Remind me again, how do I block someone?
  4. J

    Hooters Goes Tits-Up As Bankruptcy May Come Within Months

    And here I thought that they were too big to fail...
  5. J

    Words That Make My Blood Pressure Spike

    "Synergy" was one for me. I'd just stop listening when some dickhead used this word because it essentially added nothing to the conversation. Ever. The latest (past couple years) is for idiots in meetings to ask, "what is the ask?". It's not an "ask", idiot-- that's a fucking verb. It's a...
  6. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Gotta be a good story behind that one... What did you do to piss off your wife?
  7. J

    Arjun, where are ya?

    And if it was updated for today, "20. No penis".
  8. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    That's odd... I know a number of Mexican-Americans, some of which are second generation, some third or more. None of them want illegal aliens here.
  9. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Never seen a guy named "Mariann" before...
  10. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    As someone whose job has been replaced by a foreigner (as of last week... with 35+ years in the industry), I call bullshit on this. I have worked with plenty of people in overseas locations, and there is one universal thing that I see-- when asked to complete a task, given guidelines and time...
  11. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    It already is, in the 14th Amendment: Section 1 All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No...
  12. J

    Go Away!

    I recall temps down to -25°F back in 2003 when I lived in the Twin Cities...
  13. J

    Malibu Fires

    Your sense of "level"... uh... seems a bit off? ;)
  14. J

    bidens incredible transition to electric cars

    And, for the latest in "clean power," California brings you this: Oops.
  15. J

    Insurance Industry

    ...and how many of these companies have wasted their policy holders's money on naming rights to sportsball stadia, in addition to endless media ads?
  16. J

    Malibu Fires

    Yes, terrain makes a difference, and a fire going uphill will pre-heat the fuels ahead of it, making for more intense flames. It's even worse in draws and chimneys. As I learned it, "fire goes where water flows". That said, for this fire, as with most, the winds seem to be the predominant...
  17. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Oh, you mean like calling for gun confiscation after a school shooting?
  18. J

    Malibu Fires

    It costs significantly more than $1k to replace a fire pump, not to mention the internal piping. Probably 100 times that. That said, firefighting priorities are to save life, property, and the environment. In that order. The "don't mess up the environment" doesn't even come into play. I...
  19. J

    Funny / Satire

    Oh, so they DID put Biden up there after all...
  20. J

    The 1st Amendment Thread

    Just a simple representation of the idiocy of identity politics by the worst POTUS ever... Barack Obama.
  21. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Arrest the cock-sucking asshole, as well as all the others who are doing this, and charge them with aiding and abetting criminals.
  22. J

    Feds cut interest rate again

    Yeah, likewise, the odds of my house being destroyed is fairly low, although the idiots at CAL FIRE, in their quest to continue to build their empire, are now making "doom and gloom" updates to their fire risk maps, adding more and more homes to it each year. The result of this is lots of...
  23. J

    Feds cut interest rate again

    I understand where you're coming from, and a lot of those reasons are personal (no "one size fits all"). That said, extra money paid into the mortgage is not really "money in the bank" because it's not liquid. If you need to access it, you'd need a HELOC or similar. I, for one, cannot cancel...
  24. J

    Feds cut interest rate again

    I'm older than dirt, have a huge mortgage, but in no way am I going to pay it early... At a rate of 2 7/8% with tax deductions on interest paid, I get more return on opening CDs with any spare $$$ (and keep the money more liquid) than if I were to pay off the mortgage early. To me, this is the...
  25. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Unfortunately, based on how unlikable she was in the 2020 primaries, that she still can't finish a sentence without her annoying cackling, and her inability to increase her IQ above 60 in the past four years, she'd never make it out of the primary. Of course, the reason for that wouldn't be her...
  26. J

    Quantum Computing - RIP Moore's Law

    I've always disliked Moore's Law because it wasn't a "law" in any sense, but ended up being something that the semiconductor companies chased to their own detriment-- the more they went after it, the less they could charge for their products. Nothing like shooting yourself in the foot as an...
  27. J

    Fire truck rams car for not giving way

    In my experience, the air horns give quite a bit of extra "oomph" when needed as well.
  28. J

    Fire truck rams car for not giving way

    Hey! I recognize that-- I grew up about 5-6 miles from that location. The car driver is certainly an asshole, but the engineer could easily have backed up a couple feet. I know that my department policy is that if you are involved in any type of collision, you are immediately out of...
  29. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Well, Arjun would have gone through her used panties in the laundry hamper, so it could be worse...
  30. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    And, on top of this, the idiots at the state level passed a law that forces refiners to keep a larger supply on hand, and they claimed that this will cause the prices to... drop. LOFL!!!!! Clearly, no Democrat in Kalifornia has ever taken a course in economics.