The 1st Amendment Thread

How well is Freedom of Speech going when you have to talk the Right to Bear Shovels ??

"If only we could just shut these people up and crush the availability of any dissenting opinion..." Damn she is a taiterous bitch. If Harris was such an awesome appealing candidate, she WOULD HAVE WON. If you only path to victory is to silence others, you are a worthless fucker.
Ahhhhh ... got that outa my system. Merry Christmas! :)

^^ And if you go to Wikipedia you get a fundraiser plea. They say they are fair and fact-based. Yeah, right.

Quite true.

When the history books are written, Elon's acquisition of X and people using it to see the real unfiltered world, will be a huge moment in history.

The downside is that many people dont want and/or are afraid of reality. They dont want it infringing on their bubble. Thus the continued pushback and new walled garden apps like BlueSky.
Quite true.

When the history books are written, Elon's acquisition of X and people using it to see the real unfiltered world, will be a huge moment in history.

The downside is that many people dont want and/or are afraid of reality. They dont want it infringing on their bubble. Thus the continued pushback and new walled garden apps like BlueSky.
You misspelled "BlueCry"
JUST IN: Matt Taibbi Takes Aim At John Kerry, USAID In Direct Warning Of Threats To Free Speech
Forbes Breaking News

Feb 12, 2025
Matt Taibbi gives his opening statement at today's House Judiciary Committee hearing on the "censorship-industrial complex."

more questioning ..

Matt Taibbi Asked To Detail What Happened When IRS Visited His Home While He Testified In House
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'It's Out Of Black Mirror': Shellenberger Warns Of 'Extremely Disturbing' USAID Digital ID Program
Forbes Breaking News

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You know what's super weird? Apple won't approve our China Uncensored iOS app. But they won't reject it either (because they have no cause to). They just…ghosted us.

Usually Apple approves or rejects an app within a week. We've waited more than a month (since January 24, 2025). We’ve requested an expedited review. We’ve resubmitted the app. We’ve done everything we can. Our developer said they've never seen Apple take this long, ever.

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