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  1. J

    New Inflation Tax Bracket

    The one thing he doesn't mention that is extremely important to note is that the tax brackets only apply to the amount of income above the threshold for that rate. If your AGI is $2,000 above the lower limit of 24% bracket, you will only be paying that extra 2% (above the 22% bracket) on that...
  2. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    Well... 13 years of public education per illegal immigrant child, at around $12k per year on average, so the upper bound on that would be around $156,000 per child, for education alone.
  3. J

    Why New Music Sucks (Gen-Z)

    Seriously, though... I have to mute commercials these days due to the crap they play (can't even call it "music"). Some of it is insipid, whiny emo-crap, while other is rap that I just can't understand, and yet other crap sounds like adults trying to talk like children with random noise in the...
  4. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Disagree completely. There is plenty of friction within the Democrat party, but the left-leaning press won't report it. At the same time, they project and amplify anything they can to make the right look bad.
  5. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Sorry, but signature verification doesn't ensure that the ballot was filled out independently by the person who signed it. The only way is in-person voting upon producing a state-issued ID.
  6. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    Again, that's a falsehood. Follow the science here. Every organ in a person's body shares the same DNA. The fetus does not, and therefore, it is NOT "her body."
  7. J

    Nest to the rescue..... NOT

    I recognize those blobs!!!! What I don't get... They watched the whole thing, but didn't call 911? WTF?!?!?!
  8. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Methinks you have your references wrong...
  9. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Shows the idiocy of slimy Newsom. The asshat doesn't realize that corporations don't pay taxes... Customers do. Laundering money though a government confiscation program that is inherently inefficient will inevitably cost the consumer and the taxpayer a lot more than they will ever receive...
  10. J

    Bike Drop

    Was that Joe Biden?
  11. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    So your point is, that instead of doing something to stop the violence, he got tattooed. So fucking brilliant!!!
  12. J

    Firefighters Versus A Locked Gate

    Actually, it looks like the chain was nailed to the post, and they were removing the nail enough to remove the chain. Most chains that people would use to secure gates with would be welded and cannot be pried apart.
  13. J

    Did you know?

    I suddenly have the urge to wank over a bowl of Corn Flakes... Of course, that would make them Frosted Flakes...
  14. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    You forgot another good one... What are they going to use to put out the numerous wildland fires? An electric wildland fire engine? LOL!!!!
  15. J

    5.6.0 - August 16, 2022

    Is there something screwy about the 5.6.0.x release? Inside BI, I go into settings and click "Check for News and Updates", and it claims the latest update available is (8/1/2022). However, under the "Another available previous update", I see (8/16/2022). It also claims my...
  16. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I will guarantee you as well that he's paid the taxes he's required to pay, in full. Well, maybe in some parallel universe.
  17. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    ...yet the dumb bitch will likely get re-elected. Cause-Effect is lost on so many.
  18. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    If global warming "might" exacerbate roughly half of known human pathogens, it goes to reason that it would make the other half less dangerous.
  19. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Ditto. It was amusing for a little while, but unless it's clever, it gets old very fast.
  20. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    China Airlines is a state-owned carrier in Taiwan. Also owner of one of the worst, if not the worst, safety record of any carrier in the world.
  21. J

    Motorcycle Crash

    Yeah, me too. It pisses me off that the state allows people to be lazy and undisciplined. It shows in so many other ways. I can't even hope for the "keep right except to pass" to be taken seriously here. I've seen people get on the freeway doing 10 under the limit and immediately head to the...
  22. J

    Motorcycle Crash

    Unfortunately, California law is stupid, and there is no requirement to turn into the first of the two lanes.
  23. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    Oh, it's not so much the property taxes... They are capped at around 1% of the property value (but the People's Republik has one of the most unfair, insane property tax inequalities in the world due to their stupid Prop 13). It's the income tax that is around 10% (and they are looking to raise...
  24. J

    Schedule/Profile Icon set to "overridden"

    OK. I also see that setting the temp time to "0" will place it in a "hold" state; this means that it will stay where I set it from the external source, without any time out, correct? Otherwise it will default back to profile 1 after the 480 minutes (assuming default temp time)?
  25. J

    Schedule/Profile Icon set to "overridden"

    I have my BI set up to change the profile based on presence; I only use two profile states, "Active" (1) and "Away" (5), with the change being triggered in BI by an external program. My scheduling is disabled for each camera, as is the global (general?) schedule. In the GUI, the...
  26. J

    Mini dome cameras? Need sugguestion for Mini POE dome cameras?

    Ah... You stuck it where the sun don't shine!!
  27. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Actually, not at all. This is a perfect illustration as to how far the left has moved. Bill is a classical liberal; he has been left behind by the progressives, who continue their hard, fast move off the end of the spectrum. By their standards, he is a conservative.
  28. J

    Gas prices

    Be careful what you wish for... Those who leave the commie state are so unaware that their zeal for leftist politics was the cause of the decline, and bring their votes to more conservative areas where they try to enact the same policies, spreading the misery.
  29. J

    bidens incredible transition to electric cars

    My take-- the tax credit doesn't go to the consumer... It goes to the manufacturer. GM was charging around $40k for the Bolt before the tax credit expired. Afterwards, the price was dropped by around $10k. Do the math.