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  1. J

    Funny / Satire

    Well... He may have brought Moochelle with him....
  2. J

    DeepStack dogs cats and boxes

    Yeah, happens to me all the time, but it's ok... I have two cats, and the one that acts more like a dog (plays fetch, wags his tail, etc.) is the one that gets tagged as a dog. Just watch out for another situation-- the one where it tags your wife as a dog. I had a little explaining to do...
  3. J

    Need help setting up ONVIF triggers on IPC-T5442TM-AS

    Two out of three ain't bad... but also ensures that it won't work. I had the get triggres and camera digital input set, but I needed to do the "Find/Inspect" to get the coding... Thanks!!! Now I'll work on the image...
  4. J

    Need help setting up ONVIF triggers on IPC-T5442TM-AS

    Long-time lurker, first-time poster... I'm trying to set up ONVIF triggers for my driveway camera, since I'm tired of over-triggering from BI motion detection. I've read as much as I could find here, but still no luck. I've set the following under "Event": Video Detection: Motion detection...