Need help setting up ONVIF triggers on IPC-T5442TM-AS


Getting comfortable
May 19, 2019
People's Republik of Kalifornia
Long-time lurker, first-time poster...

I'm trying to set up ONVIF triggers for my driveway camera, since I'm tired of over-triggering from BI motion detection. I've read as much as I could find here, but still no luck.

I've set the following under "Event":

Video Detection: Motion detection: Enable unchecked
Smart Motion Detection: Enable unchecked
Smart Plan: IVS selected
IVS: Global Setup: Added three vertical and one horizontal calibrations
IVS: Rule Config: Set up two trip wires, with Min Size at 0, target filter selecting both Human and Motor Vehicle. Zig-zagged all over the driveway.


I go to Information: Log, and see no record of any triggers. Shouldn't I see something here?
You also need to set BI within each camera to trigger on external triggers, not in front of my BI PC right now but I’m sure somebody will chime in.
There are a few places you need to set this up in Blue Iris, but it appears you have some other issues within the camera to fix as well (below):

  • In Camera configure setting check the box "Get ONVIF triggers".
  • Hit Find/Inspect on the camera setting to pull the coding for the triggers.
  • Go into Motion Setting and select the "Cameras digital input" box.

But you have to do something with the image as well. That looks washed out like too much WDR or auto/default settings. If there isn't enough contrast among items, then the camera cannot "see" the object.

Also, the camera needs time to be able to see the object and identify it and run it through the algorithm and that is a tight view that might be problematic for some objects.
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This thread has a lot of info, have a look at post #21

How to setup Dahua IVS with BlueIris?
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There are a few places you need to set this up in Blue Iris, but it appears you have some other issues within the camera to fix as well (below):

  • In Camera configure setting check the box "Get ONVIF triggers".
  • Hit Find/Inspect on the camera setting to pull the coding for the triggers.
  • Go into Motion Setting and select the "Cameras digital input" box.

But you have to do something with the image as well. That looks washed out like too much WDR or auto/default settings. If there isn't enough contrast among items, then the camera cannot "see" the object.

Also, the camera needs time to be able to see the object and identify it and run it through the algorithm and that is a tight view that might be problematic for some objects.

Two out of three ain't bad... but also ensures that it won't work. I had the get triggres and camera digital input set, but I needed to do the "Find/Inspect" to get the coding...


Now I'll work on the image...
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