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  1. E

    Delay in Amcrest AD110 doorbell video.

    I have the doorbell installed and it is working with the Amcrest SmartHomeApp (version 3.3.2), Blue Iris and Amazon Alexa. I find there is a terrific delay on all 3 applications ranging from 5 to 15 seconds. Also, on the SmartHome App I find that it appears to be using 3G/4G an awful lot of...
  2. E

    Amcrest Doorbell "chime kit"

    I have a question that no one has yet answered. I bought a AD110 video doorbell. It has a little box that is called a "chime kit". Being an engineer, I am curious as to what is in this little box. Can you answer that? ALSO, I have a rational reason for asking this question. I have 2...
  3. E

    Camera loads wireless internet

    I have 4 cameras. Two are Foscam F18910W's one is a F19804W and one is a Wansview NCL616W. They appear to be loading down my home network. I notice if most when a computer is about 20 or so ft away. The problem only occurs when I connect to the camera with a browser or Blue Iris software...
  4. E

    Current draw of IP cameras such as Foscam F18910W

    I am going to need to supply power from a plug-in power module (wall wort) as far away as 30 to 50 ft. What is the current draw that a typical IP wireless camera draws (such as the Foscam F18910W)? I guess more to the point, what gauge wire do people use to supply these cameras from a...
  5. E

    control of PZT (especially IR LEDs)

    The only place I see PZT being controlled for a camera is in the individual camera schedule screen. Under "Event schedule", you can set many PZT controls. My questions are: 1. Is the "Event schedule" independent of the individual camera schedule? I am using a global schedule and if the...