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  1. J

    Blue Iris common issues

    What are the common issues with BlueIris? The one I use is
  2. J

    DVR automatically shuts down

    My DVR is automatically shuting down or it`s stop running, what can be the problem? I`ve noticed that usually this happen with NVRs connected via UPS and not directly
  3. J

    Blue Iris no audio

    Hi, I have IP cams:TP Link 7141 and DVRs: Dahua h.264 RSTP I`ve configured all settings but cannot hear any audio streaming, with SmartPSS audio works fine. What I am doing wrong?
  4. J

    Smart PSS + PC-NVR vs Blue Iris

    I'm trying to understand which from this 2 is using less processing memory, SmartPSS with PC-NVR or Blue Iris?