Search results

  1. aesterling

    New Apple Push root certificate available for continued iOS push notifications

    This is the first time I've seen Ken offer an updated Apple Push root certificate for BI as a standalone download: Blue Iris Software | New Apple Push root certificate required This should mean that even if your maintenance has lapsed or you’re using an older version of BI, you can manually...
  2. aesterling

    BI can control PTZ with WAN address but not LAN address

    Hello, I have an Amcrest ASH21 camera on my wifi network that I've added to BI. The video stream works fine but BI cannot control the pan/tilt of the camera when using the local IP address. However, if I edit the camera's IP address in BI to my external WAN address and momentarily port-forwarded...
  3. aesterling

    Ring opens its app to non-Ring cameras

    I just read this news story that Ring will soon allow users to add 3rd party ONVIF cameras into the Ring ecosystem and take advantage of their app, notifications, event history, etc. It sounds like a bad idea that I'd personally never want to use, but I still found it to be an interesting move...
  4. aesterling

    Tapatalk update

    Hello, I love the forum and often access it on mobile using the Tapatalk app. I've been experiencing some issues recently with incorrect formatting and attachments so I reached out to ask Tapatalk support. They replied saying that the forum is running an older and out of date...
  5. aesterling

    Considering Cisco SF250-48HP PoE switch. Bad choice?

    I've been looking at POE switches for months and finally just need to pull the trigger on one. Do you see any obvious red flags using a Cisco SF250-48HP for $40 locally on CL? It would be used only for my 8 IP cams (plus a few additional ones in the future), so I obviously don't need 48 ports...
  6. aesterling

    Blue Iris version 5

    It looks like BI v5 has an expected release date of June 1, 2019! Here's the post with some additional details:
  7. aesterling

    BIT feature request: Watchdog stunnel service monitor

    Would it make sense and be feasible to add a stunnel service monitor to BIT's Watchdog toolset? I use stunnel with my Bl machine and the service normally runs at system startup. However, once and a while there's a hiccup and it doesn't start so I have to remote into the machine and start it so...
  8. aesterling

    PoE cameras' video occasionally freezes & slow pings via NVR

    I'm trying to determine why my cameras' video occasionally freezes/drops frames like in these two examples, both on the NVR recordings and Blue Iris recordings. Hardware: Hikvision NVR DS-7616NI-I2 (built in PoE switch, latest firmware) Hikvision DS-2CD2385FWD-I Turrets (connected to NVR...
  9. aesterling

    BI iOS app alerts page notification badge

    I'm looking for clarification on the red badge number shown on the Alerts page on iOS. In my screenshot, there is an alert entry in the list with a red number 4. Does that represent four separate times the camera was triggered? If so, how do you view of each of those four from the alerts page on...
  10. aesterling

    Condensation in bullet cam while indoors

    Hello everyone, I just recently joined the forums after buying a house earlier this fall. I decided to buy a Hikvision DS-2CD2085FWD-I 8MP Bullet IP Camera from an eBay seller and I'm super happy with the quality. I picked up a TP‑Link TL‑POE150S PoE Injector to power it temporarily while I wait...