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  1. A

    How much range of motion does a turret mount have?

    I'm trying to figure out whether the mount of a turret camera gives enough range of motion to essentially turn it 90 degrees or even a bit more than that. I'm prewiring a house and the front has the paved approach to the front door. Let's say walking up and facing the door is North. To the...
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    Building new home - suggestions on camera locations

    Hi everyone! I was on this forum a few years ago when I was planning wiring an older home that never worked out. Now, instead, I'm purchasing new construction and am putting in camera prewiring before the walls go up. I was talking to the structured wiring guy today and he gave some ideas...
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    How to bring all the wires down to the NVR?

    I'm new to this whole PoE camera thing, but have read a ton of threads here as well as the wiki. What I realized I never figured out is how best to bring all the CAT6 cables to the NVR. My place has attic access, so my plan is to run CAT6 through the attic directly to the spots on the exterior...
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    Advice needed for new setup (newbie)

    My parents are moving into a new home and I'm trying to figure out how to set up a wired PoE system for them. They're moving into the Bay Area, which has surprising numbers of break-ins. I know nothing about this subject, but have spent some time browsing these forums looking for advice. The...