Search results

  1. D

    Set MJPEG quality

    Hi, I'm trying to parse the video camera feeds to a Google Coral USB Accelerator, in order to do object detection. The main profile of my cams are H264, the substreams are MJPEG (but have a much lower resolution). I know BlueIris also has MJPEG streams, but they do not have the same resolution...
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    Time for a new (energy efficient) server

    Hi, With the christmas holidays coming (and time to spare ..), I'm looking to replace my old setup (i5-3330 with SSD and 3.5'' storage) with a more power efficient solution. Current setup has a constant load of 40% when processing 170 MP/s and consumes 55-60W constantly. I was thinking about a...
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    Post your BlueIris PC setup with power consumption

    Hi, I want to start this thread so people can share their PC setup en power consumption figures (excluding cams en switches). Might be usefull if you're in the market for a new (power efficient) setup, like me :-) My current i5-3330 setup (Asrock P67 Pro3 + SSD & 6 TB HDD) is using 57W with on...
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    Gaps in continuous recording

    Hi, When looking at the timeline this morning, I noticed that there are a few gaps while continuous recording is enabled for all profiles. Anybody know how to debug this ? Thx ! Deva
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    How to view streams via JSON api without adding username/pw to http request

    Hi, I'm looking into the JSON api. Is there a way to retrieve the video stream from a camera without adding the username & password in plain text to the http request ? Br, Devastator
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    Script to powercycle POE port on ubiquity switch

    Hi, Attached a quick python script I created to powercycle a POE port on my Ubiquity EdgeSwitch in case BlueIris reports a "signal lost". You need python 3.x to run it. Usage: python.exe --ip <ip of switch> --username <username> --password <password> --interfaces <intf>...
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    Recommendation for rack mounted ESXI server

    Hi, I recently purchased this case: thinking that my current mobo would fit, which ofcourse isn't the case ... So now I am looking for some new hardware. Anybody here using BlueIris on ESXI with intel...
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    In doubt for new turret cam with low light conditions

    Hi, Currently I'm running 3x 3MP cams at 15 fps in BlueIris on an i5-3330 with ~ 17% CPU usage. I want to extend with 2 more cams, that will have to operate in low light conditions. I'm doubting between 3 cams: - DS-2CD2385FWD-I - IPC-HDW4231EM-AS - DS-2CD2335FWD-I Probably the...
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    Power Consumption

    Hi, Maybe it would be a good idea to share power consumption figures (and hardware) used of the server you are running BI on ... I'm running BI on an ESXI configuration and am hovering around 45 Watt at the moment. I think I could get it lower when not using ESXI and using the GPU offloading...
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    Few questions about recordings

    Hi, Currently I'm only recording on motion events, but I want to switch to continuous (+ motion) recordings. I have 3 3MP Hikvision Cameras, 15 fps each. My questions: * I have a spare 500 GB 2,5 inch HDD from my laptop @ 7200 RPM. I suppose this is fast enough ? * Is the pre-trigger frames...
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    Motion detection on day/night mode switch

    Hi, I'm using motion detection on my front door with following settings: * quite a large 'object size' * make time: 0.7 s * object recject/detect enabled This works for detecting people really wel, however it also trips when the camera switches from day/night mode. This switch happens...
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    Trigger recording using Hikvision Alarm output

    Hi, I'm trying to setup BlueIris to record when my HikVision camera senses motion using 'Line Crossing'. I want to try it doing this way versus using BlueIris motion detection because I get a lot of false positives with it (e.g. when the lights go on at night). I followed this guide, and I can...
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    Which NVR for 4 hikvision 2-series cams (3MP)

    Hi, Could you guys advice on a (hikvision) NVR for 4 hikvision 2 series cams (all 3 MP) which is going to be used by my father (I'm using BlueIris myself ...) I don't need a POE one, already have a POE switch. I'll take one which supports 8 cams (in case my father want to add some cams later)...
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    How to duplicate a camera

    Hi, I have a camera aimed at the front door and side of the house. I want to start recording when motion is detected, however I only want to be notified when motion is detected at the front door. I've read somewhere that this can be done by duplicating the camera (which should take little to...
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    Ip cam viewer slow fps

    Hi, Sorry if I've put this in the wrong place, but I had no clue where else to put it (and since I'm using hikvision cams ...). I recently purchased my first cams (2332 and others), and everything is running fluently when I view it on my PC (20 fps, highest resolution, ...). Whenever I open...
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    DS-2CD2232-I5 vs DS-2CD2T32 ... what is the difference ?

    Hi, What is the difference between these cams ? Based on the specs, I can't seem to find many differences :-/ Thanks in advance !
  17. D

    Advice needed for outdoor cam without huge pigtails ...

    Hi, First post here on the forum ... :-) Started looking for some outdoor IP cams (1 dome, 2 'bullets') about a week ago and read lots of reviews so far. I was thinking about buying Hickvisions, but what has put me off is the huge pigtails they got. All locations where the cams will be placed...