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  1. djernie

    Is this the same Kid from the door checkers with a gun?

    Is this the same kid or mistaken identity or a brother? I will let the police decide as I am taking the video to the substation tomorrow.
  2. djernie

    Door checker's with a weapon.

    Have not had any one walking by here in a looooooong time. Which I'm grateful for. My cameras are a deterent. The look out guys notice my cameras and they walk to the other side of the street. Then comes the weapon holder and the door checker. Can anyone determine what type of weapon. I'm not...
  3. djernie

    A dog was ran over this morning.

    I took a flash drive of the video to my police substation. Hopefully they will pay these ass hats a visit.
  4. djernie

    Stealing a battery.

    Have not had any incidents near me in a while. Caught a thief, taking a battery. No one has come to me to ask for video so I'll just keep an I out for this grey honda civic. I have seen the driver walking past my house in the past. He actually grew up in this neighborhood. Police will do nothing...
  5. djernie

    What happened to the Fence?

    This person was driving around the area who knows why and two hours after first being seen goes through the fence.
  6. djernie

    Neighbors caught stealing!

    My neighbor came home to find his neighbors across the street stealing from his property. You will now exactly when they are busted.
  7. djernie

    Toll Road violaters

    The pay by license plate is over on this part of the toll road(hwy 288), but people continue to use it so the police in pearland Texas is waiting for them to exit.
  8. djernie

    Falcon and the Squirrel

  9. djernie

    If I could issue Lightning bolts

    This one would be on the list.
  10. djernie

    New Security

    I want to thank my HOA for the new security I have at night.
  11. djernie

    What was purchased?

    Not sure what was exchanged, but something was paid for.
  12. djernie

    Following me!

    Yes having multiple cameras is a deterrent. Which is why I don't have much to post anymore. I have the best advertisers passing my house and spreading the word!
  13. djernie

    Morning door checker.

    Glad my neighbor locked his door. He parks the car here every morning for about 30 minutes while getting his truck and trailer pulled out of his drive way. Always lock your doors!!!!!!!!
  14. djernie

    Box of trash dumped, has been resolved!

    A one day resolution. I am happy that the police handled this in one day!
  15. djernie

    dumping tires

    I thought i posted this, but i do not see it. It took almost two months for the police investigation to finish. The tire pick up video was the result.
  16. djernie

    Box of trash dumped!

    As one case is closed another case is opened, they dumped a box a trash. SMH
  17. djernie

    Tire pick up.

    After police investigation, my neighbor decided to pick the tire up. I could have bought a few more cameras with the 4000.00 dollars I would have received. But I have another case, because as he picked up the tire I noticed some one had dumped a box a trash. UGGHH!!!!
  18. djernie

    This just in.....

    Dad let's kid shoot gun while filming on phone. I'm sure he will post it on social media how he got to shoot the gun in the ground. Waking up the neighbors thinking it's a drive by shooting or anything. I reported to the police and sent them the video.
  19. djernie

    Throwing package why?

    Always one in every job. So glad it wasn't glass and wasn't stolen being it was thrown right out in the open. I just don't get it.
  20. djernie

    Does she know what her boyfriend is up to?

    Two days in a row, door checkers. I am shocked to see girls out with these boys. Lock your doors and take valuables out of your cars. Cameras used in this video 2 x Dahua - Automatic Pan tilt and zoom Sd 49225xa 2 x Dahua - Hdw 2431t-as
  21. djernie

    Vivint solicitor

    Vivint camera solicitor. After he saw my cameras, I solicited one of my Dahua cameras to him. (Loryta-IPC-T2431T-AS)
  22. djernie

    Neighbors out for justice!

    Neighbors are taking matters into their own hands!
  23. djernie

    Dahua PTZ - SD 49225XA. Auto tracking.

    Setting up the auto tracking function using spotter camera and tripwire settings. There is still more tweaking to be done to dial it in just right. Spotter camera is Dahua - IPC 2231t ZS Wildcat_1's thread is helping a lot. Thanks again to Wildcat_1
  24. djernie

    Spandex changes can man!

    When harmless can collection, turns lil old man into uncontrollable hormone surge.
  25. djernie

    What's for dinner?

    Heron is back! He caught something for dinner tonight. What do you think it is, looks like a frog to me. Cameras used in this video dahua ipc 2231t -zs dahua hdw 2431t -as dahua sd 49225xa
  26. djernie

    Trash can trouble.

    My fine city workers taking pride in their work as usual. Only problem, poor little old man pushing a cart to collect aluminum cans for recycling, gets the blame. I did go to the neighbors home and let him know it was the trash truck that did it. I gave him the 311 number to call and get the...
  27. djernie

    What did i just witness?

    I just installed my black friday cameras from Andy. It's been 3 days i am still trying to get the settings down. I have setup a separate blue iris pc HP Elite desk tower intel core i7-6700 3.40 32 gigs ram win 10 pro added 2nd ethernet card for switch cameras are on purchased new license of...
  28. djernie


    Not sure what was going on here but my hand was on my weapon after the second shot.
  29. djernie

    Tropical Storm Nicholas

    Nicholas woke me up this morning! I was lucky!
  30. djernie

    Bad pedestrian and Driver!

    Dash Cam is a Vantop Discovery H610 Mirror mounted camera. Both of these incidents happened on Interstate 45 freeway in Houston Texas. The pedestrian is playing with his life, and the driver shouldn't be on the road as they almost caused a major pile up accident.