Search results

  1. joltman

    Dahua IPC-HDW5231R-ZE No SubStreams RTSP

    I've got 2 IPC-HDW5231R-ZE cameras running firmware: V2.800.0000015.0.R, Build Date: 2020-04-30 I'm trying to get their SubStream configured. I'm using ffplay on my linux laptop to view the substream. Here is a command line that works, giving me a 1920x1080 stream, according to ffplay...
  2. joltman

    Mounting a Dahua 4231

    I'd like to mount a Dahua 4231 camera to my house. I've got Ethernet run and ready to go up the wall to meet the camera, I just don't know the best way to mount it. I would think that a box from Andy would work, but I'm not sure how to mount that in a hole I cut into the siding on my house. I...
  3. joltman

    Recordings only last about 5 Hours (SOLVED)

    I've got a BI 4 server with a 10TB HDD in it. I've noticed that for some reason my recordings for each of my 3 cameras only go for about 5 hours. I should be able to store WEEKS worth of video, but it's not working and I don't really know where to look. Here are some screenshots of a camera's...
  4. joltman

    IPC-HDBW4231F-AS IR Always On

    I just purchased the camera from Andy along with two other 5321 ZE cameras. Those are working as expected. The 4231 will not turn off it's IR light, even during daytime. Where can I start looking first? I thought I had read something about this on the forum, but I'm not finding it again...
  5. joltman

    [SOLVED] New BI Install, Fails to Run First

    I purchased BI back in January 2019. Yesterday (2019-03-02) I finished building my BI server, installed Win 10 Pro x64 and finally downloaded the BI installer from the email that IPCamTalk sent me in January. I installed the program, but when I run it for the first time, I get: "The...
  6. joltman

    New Install: Camera Mount and Focal Length Questions

    My wife and I have decided it's time to get security cameras for the house. We've been seeing posts in the neighborhood's Facebook and NextDoor groups about people coming around and checking for boxes on porches. I don't want that to turn into breaking and entering. I've been reading a lot...