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  1. C

    HTTPS for URL Only to Protect Querystring Credentials

    The Primary certificate is the main certificate (.crt) file. The Intermediate certificate is the CA-bundle (.ca-bundle) file. The Root certificate is included in the CA-bundle file.
  2. C

    HTTPS for URL Only to Protect Querystring Credentials

    For the pem file I combined, in this order certificate private key contents of crt file contents of ca-bundle file So, it should look like: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- CONTENTS -----END PRIVATE KEY----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- CONTENTS -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN...
  3. C

    HTTPS for URL Only to Protect Querystring Credentials

    Never mind... I installed and configured Stunnel. Works like a champ with my domain name and my certificate issued for my domain name. This site was helpful in setting up Stunnel properly: Set up stunnel on Blue Iris 5 server The only difficulty was constructing the PEM file for use.
  4. C

    HTTPS for URL Only to Protect Querystring Credentials

    Is there a way to only encrypt the URL using SSL without setting up STUNNEL? I have a static IP Address, domain name and SSL certificate. I do not need to have the video encrypted but want to protect my credentials when passing in the URL...
  5. C

    Blue Iris Console Auto Open After Reboot

    Issue resolve. You have to check "Require run-as Administrator for the console or when stand-alone" in Startup tab
  6. C

    Blue Iris Console Auto Open After Reboot

    No. It's the Blue Iris console
  7. C

    Blue Iris Console Auto Open After Reboot

    I found a thread on this from a few years ago on the topic and wanted to post a new one hoping there is a workaround. The server that runs Blue Iris also runs my automation system software. I have a 4 port NVIDIA P2000 Quadro on this server. Blue Iris runs on the "primary display" that was set...
  8. C

    Software or Hardware Encoder for RTSP Stream to HTTP Stream Transcoding

    Greetings all. This is a great forum. Looking for advice on making HTTP camera streams available from my NVR cameras. My current system is comprised of equipment from Security Camera Warehouse (SCW) 15 x Guardian Pro 4 cameras (4MP @ 20 FPS 2560 x 1440) 16 CH Vanguard Pro NVR which is since...