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  1. T

    EmpireTech 2023 Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday Sales Nov.20-24th

    Must... Not... Order... More... Camera's....
  2. T

    IPC-T2431T-AS 4MP problems

    Are you just saving to the pi via ftp then rather than running an application as an NVR? I doubt it’s the camera firmware, I have one of those and it’s been pretty solid (although I am using Software not ftp upload). I would more suspect your hitting a limit on the pi if you have gone from 1...
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    IPC-T2431T-AS 4MP problems

    What sort of connection problem? what bit rate are you running? pi does not have the best network connection and you can saturate it
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    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HDW5849H-ASE-LED / IPC-Color4K-T - 2.8mm Turret

    @bigredfish Having studied both clips very carefully in detail I can only reach one logical conclusion. Your delivery people are a lot prettier than mine.
  5. T

    European import tax when ordering from AliExpress?

    If you order direct from Andy via email you should have no problems. If my orders arrive ok on “brexit island” I am sure he can ship to Germany no problem!
  6. T

    2023 EmpireTech Spring Sales

    I could be wrong, but I think the refurbs are just Amazon returns - great value for the US guys
  7. T

    Best camera for garage?

    I would suggest looking at a IPC-T2431T-AS S2, the build is not as good as the 5442 but if it’s in a garage the plastic mount is less of a concern and the quality is very good with IR IMHO Andy has a cheap price on these as well
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    2023 EmpireTech Spring Sales

    Hi Andy, just FYI the FW link in the PDF for IPC-Color4K-T does not work, can you share link here?
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    Review-Dahua/EmpireTech Dual lens IPC-HDBW5441F-AS-E2 (The Boobie Cam Upgrade)

    You need to add another camera with the second feed stream, it uses two licenses - I think its discussed already in this thread, or the original "boogie cam" thread if its not in this one.
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    Covid19 Update

    Yes I read its not good - stay safe Andy and team.
  11. T

    db corruption detected error in log file

    I think it’s a thing, I upgraded yesterday as it’s the latest stable release and had this error overnight. can you not run a regenerate/repair manually? I can only see the schedule option to run everyday? EDIT: ok it’s right click then database in the clips window, not in the server...
  12. T

    Latest "stable" release of BI?

    Thanks, looks like a good option then for now - been watching the senseAI 2.0 stuff as well. I had hoped to have my nvidia jetson by now to play with AI more, only ordered 12 months ago!
  13. T

    Latest "stable" release of BI?

    Not that old a release, I updated in the summer - which does have the initial support for the move towards a focus on SenseAI and away from Deepstack. My plan is to dabble with that in the near future, so I would usually look to be on the latest stable release before making a change with...
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    Latest "stable" release of BI?

    I know Bi supports "Critical and highly stable updates only" in the GUI, but my BI VM is isolated from internet so I manually install updates when needed, anyone know where there is a maintained list of the "stable" releases? I am aware of the BI update list on the forum: Blue Iris Updates (32...
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    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Have you been speaking to my wife? :lol:
  16. T

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    With apologies to those who didn't win anything... knock on the door today 2 days after Andy shipped :wow: Looking forward to setting this one up :thumb:
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    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HDW5849H-ASE-LED / IPC-Color4K-T - 2.8mm Turret

    Don’t have mine yet but there is Audio in an out, and alarm in and out listed on the data sheet, audio will be rca usually with dahua, alarm are bare wires, usually have labels does yours not?
  18. T

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HDW5849H-ASE-LED / IPC-Color4K-T - 2.8mm Turret

    Here is the date sheet: IPC-Colour4K-T Data Sheet It says PFA-130E, I believe from other reviews any camera that lists this also fits the PFA122 as the mounting is the same, in fact I think Wildcat or one of the other reviewers recommends it as you can easily switch the cam with the face plate?
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    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HDW5849H-ASE-LED / IPC-Color4K-T - 2.8mm Turret

    I believe they are not IR sensitive, or have an IR filter to improve the non-IR performance, so badly I would assume!
  20. T

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    I bought a couple tickets to the last one and didn’t win anything, I was working more on a it’s a bit of fun and Andy always does a good deal, so even loosing is slightly winning in the long run if he is still in business later when I am ready for the next upgrade And need something. Last time...
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    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Well apparently you should tell me the odds because I was a lucky winner :cool:
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    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Good luck everyone :)
  23. T

    Review-Dahua/EmpireTech Dual lens IPC-HDBW5441F-AS-E2 (The Boobie Cam Upgrade)

    Just got mine, your shipping was superfast and easy as always Andy :thumb: (Bue Iris here so no problem)
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    EmpireTech 7 Years Anniversay Promotion Plan

    Soooo close…. but no cigar!
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    EmpireTech 7 Years Anniversay Promotion Plan

    I'm in, you have to ask yourself one question, are you feeling lucky...
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    EmpireTech 7 Years Anniversay Promotion Plan

    Nice. Hopefully some direct deals avaiable for those outside the US/Amazon as well?
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    Christmas Sales 2021

    @EMPIRETECANDY sent you email…
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    Christmas Sales 2021

    Amazon in Europe would be very useful:headbang:
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    Christmas Sales 2021

    is it not the new pdf in the first post, the older models with a quantity available column?
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    Christmas Sales 2021

    It’s in the spec sheets, but from memory the 3 series only tell you if it’s human or car, 5 series count people and that sort of thing. lot less memory as well, the ZE has 1gb of ram I believe - so not as “smart”