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    5.4.9 - June 25, 2021

    After updating to 5.4.9.x, all my alert clips are now using sub-streams. Previously, it was using the main streams! Is there an option to switch back to using the main stream in alert clips?
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    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Official repo installer: VorlonCD/bi-aidetection
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    Hikvision DS-HD1 streaming in Home Assistant

    This works for me in HA: Define the camera in the configuration file (modify as needed): - platform: generic still_image_url: "http://username:userpass@xx.xx.xx.xx.xx/onvif/snapshot.jpg" stream_source...
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    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    In addition to VolronCD's AItool being substantially more granular than the current BI implementation of Deepstack integration, his AItool can also use other AI engines such as DOODs, Sighthound and the big gun AWS Rekognition. VolronCD has been very responsive to bug fixes and enhancement...
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    To get audio in BI from the doorbell, you have to make sure in the camera settings --> video --> configure --> audio is set to use RTSP Alternate AAC decoder as the doorbell only supports AAC audio. Let us know if that does not work.
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    Andy - Empire Tech Review

    I just want to add my 2 cents to the excellent service I received from Andy for my 2 2CD2347G2 purchase. Here in Canada, the price markup from the authorized distributors are even higher than that of the U.S. But the biggest problem is the lack of available stock. I have to wait 8 weeks last...
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    AAC codec not recording sound

    I can confirm that switching audio to RTSP alternate AAC decoder worked and I have audio from the DB1 in BI again. Thanks Andy.
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    AAC codec not recording sound

    I did. No reply from BI tech support yet. I rolled back to the 5.3.6.x version and all is well again. This is only affecting anyone using the AAC codec for audio. Unfortunately that is the only available audio codec for the Ezviz DB1 doorbell!
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    AAC codec not recording sound

    I was using Blue Iris version and I have live audio sound and sound in 24x7 recording with the Ezviz DB1 doorbell. The only audio codec available in DB1 is AAC. All is well until I upgraded to 5.3.8.x. Now I have no sound from the DB1 at all in Blue Iris , even though the live stream and...
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    Android push notification stopped working in

    Android push notification in is not working anymore, re-installing fixed the problem. Just wondering if anything else has changed that I need to modify to make that work again in May be a support email to the developer is the best fix? Any ideas?
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    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Is it possible to also do the file copy file before triggering the Run Program function? Currently file copy is after the Run Program trigger. IMHO, file copy should be the first action. Please kindly consider this. Thanks.
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    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Since the triggers happen before the file copy, Blue Iris as a result does not use the markup alert image in the jpeg field. Please have a look. Thank you.
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    You can definately use SOAP with cURL to "talk" to the doorbell. I have tried it but I cant get pass the user authentication part. The doorbell is running a few couple of seconds behind the RTC, even though it is sync with a NTP server. This has created an authentication error in Onvif. I do not...
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    Just to clarify the logo issue on the Hikvision FW on the DB1. I DO NOT have a logo using the Android EZVIZ app, I only get the logo with the Onvif streams and Onvif jpgs.
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    I am using the Hikvision BC tool v3.0.2.6. I use the restore default configuration on the main screen.
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    My cam is the EZVIZ DB1 with the latest 200220 firmware. I am just wondering by doing the partial instead of full default restore resulted in the DB keeping the SSID?
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    This is my experience upgrading the firmware from EZVIZ to Hikvision. I followed Alexdelprete's recipe but with a different path: 1. Using Batch Configuration, I upgraded the firmware from EZVIZ to Hikvision. I did not reboot at this point. 2. I then click the Restore Default Configuration...
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    Can you explain how did you do that with the API as the Ezviz DB1 does not support Hikvision ISAPI and one must use the NetSDK to "talk" to the DB1?
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    You can get snapshot in TinyCam and that's the way I get around the lack of snapshot in EZVIZ DB1 with the stock firmware. From TinyCam API: JPEG and MJPEG video requests Guest and admin. The /axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi is used to request a Motion JPEG video stream with specified arguments...
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    Does anyone know the url to get the snapshot jpg on the EZVIZ DB1 with the stock firmware (no onvif support)? Obviously the url http://<IP Address>/onvif/snapshot.jpg does not work in this case.
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    New RCA HSDB2A 3MP Doorbell IP Camera

    Try rebooting your phone and re-launch the ezviz mobile app.