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  1. N

    Uploading one image to FTP for weather station purposes- advanced settings

    Hello. I have this camera: DS-2DE3A404IW-DE/W with pretty standard user interface. My goal-if achievable is: Every day at 12:00:00 move camera from default to certain preset Take 1 snapshot in image format and upload it to FTP with fixed - standard name (eg. weather.jpg) return to default...
  2. N

    Synology NAS, Shared folder and afraid to push Format button on Hikvision camera

    Hello. I created the Shared folder on Synology NAS. Created user for folder access. Added NAS to Hikvision camera. Connectivity test is OK. Now the drive is there, bit not usable since it must be formatted. I am "effing" afraid to push that Format button since I do not want for camera to...
  3. N

    No audio in DS-2DE3A404IW-DE/W stream

    Hello, Here we go with the problem I read all about on the internet. I have this model of camera: DS-2DE3A404IW-DE/W and I can not get audio in the live stream feed. The sound is not working not via web browser, not on the mobile app. Every localy recorded mp4 /SD card or PC/ is recorded...