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  1. A

    Hi from Montréal!

    I am just realizing that I should have introduced myself before submitting a post (in BI troubleshooting actually). Sorry! So, I am using BI and 11 Foscam IP cameras, locally on LANed PCs and remotely on IOS mobiles, for my home security system. I am retired and these interesting and promising...
  2. A

    Problem using BI DIO on COM port 24.

    Hi Guys! I am using BI with 11 IP Foscam cameras since 2 years now without any problem. BI is running beautifully with my PCs and IOS mobiles locally and remotely. So I guess that now I am running for... problems just for the fun of it! I want to add 1 Intel Galileo and 3 Arduino UNOs to my...