Search results

  1. P

    Tree Cam Installation

    I think you did a good job. I think if you overlaid irregular pure black patches to break up the manmade regular forms and outlines, it would improve it.
  2. P


    This is all I have to go on, and I don't have any previous experience with these 2K$ PTZs.
  3. P


    Andy, says the weather isn't conducive to making a decent YT clip. Here are 2 test files I have been sent though.
  4. P


    No news from Andy yet.
  5. P

    Burglars run after getting fright on their life

    Does anyone have a 25-30W 12V horn speaker attached to the line out of a cam? That's about the highest wattage internal amp IP66 12V speaker I can find. I'd like to know if it would be loud enough to invoke a reaction like that. Does anyone have a related experience one way or the other?
  6. P

    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    I am in Ireland and have bought from Andy many times (and recently). Just email him directly.
  7. P

    NVR suggestions

    I think, ( but can't confirm) that a wireless mouse may do the trick.
  8. P


    Well, I pulled the trigger on the SD8C260PA1-HNF (500m IR). Andy said he'd test it is 100% before shipping it to me, and I have asked him to upload a day and night scene on his YT channel as it seems very little is known about this camera.
  9. P


    I am thinking hard about pulling the trigger on this camera. There are two similar models: The SD8C260PA1-HNF (500m IR) and the SD8C260PA-HNF (250m IR with dual light fusion). I assume that means that one model has only IR LEDs and the other has a mix of IR and white light LEDs. The area I want...
  10. P


    Andy has gracefully offered to contact Dahua to enquire if there are further details about this camera.
  11. P


    This camera intrigues me. It is a 2MP on a 1/1.8 starlight sensor. (60X Zoom with 500m IR) I interpret the sensor/MP ratio to mean night vision should be outstanding. However, I cannot find any footage anywhere on the web. Even Andy has no footage. Does anyone have this camera or is it just too...
  12. P

    Is thermal right for me?

    @luk8899 I would like to know more details about this alternative model.
  13. P

    2nd Amendment thread

    He wanted the lady's car, so she gave it to him as fast as possible.
  14. P

    EmpireTech 2023 Autumn Sales Sep.20th-30th

    It was fun. I didn't win anything but enjoyed it immensely. Well done, Andy.
  15. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    Worse than that, I use the internet, hence I know Google's business model to harvest my information. It is a price for survival in a high-tech world. I don't like it, and where there is a realistic choice I choose not to use it. I don't follow the logic that they already know I eat cornflakes...
  16. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    I have an arrangement with that government, I won't invade them and they won't send me Viagra adverts. Google not so much.
  17. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    My opinion is that Google knows more about what has happened on the screens of every single forum member here than any foreign government.
  18. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    No, just No.
  19. P

    Trigger command on alert - Dahua TIOC illuminate light

    Yep, I queried this with Andy, and does still have stock. But get'em quick.
  20. P

    Trigger command on alert - Dahua TIOC illuminate light

    I followed up on these. They are no longer available in any focal length, according to Andy. But, this is confusing...
  21. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    With the same certainty as tomorrow's sunrise, I state that a Google app will never be the spine of my security system.
  22. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    This is useful info I'll look into this.
  23. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    I think this has been covered in my previous posts in this thread. I envisage having a central, very capable NVR that records all cameras and deals with the AI/IVS rules. I envisage having 3-4 less capable satellite NVRs that subscribe to a group of cameras relevant to the particular screen...
  24. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    I expect my usage pattern to be more likely with more cameras in an overview pattern. So, low substream resolution should be more than adequate for this view. But, Then, after identifying a particular happening in the overview, I want to click my mouse, and that camera will fill the screen. Then...
  25. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    This is accepted recordings have to be of the best quality at the best viewing resolution. From the satellite screens, I am looking for a real-time "What was that noise?" Quickview when watching TV or a "Why is that PTZ tracking?" when snoozing with one eye open on the couch. I don't want to...
  26. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    Yes, within reason, I am trying to get the best picture coming from the camera, I don't want to down rez a cam feed because of a screen or wifi bandwidth. Likewise, I don't want to spend a fortune on screens to view Minecraft because that is all the cam is capable of. On the other hand, the big...
  27. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    I am interested in this solution. As I have all Dahua cams, I'd like a Dahua NVR. Does such a beast exist? Yes, I will be putting a wired network connection at most locations anyway. I am rewiring and don't want to upgrade in the foreseeable. Even doing so, won't preclude me from using WIFI. It...
  28. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    This is a valid point I hadn't considered. I intended that the entire CCTV network was on 1 VLAN. The NVR6-XI series has 512Mbps (with AI-enabled) I expect to have about 25ish cams all told, so I think I'm good.
  29. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    I can subscribe to any cam I want to be on the network via any NVR, then I have the group I want to at the screen I want to see it on. This fits the bill already, features that I won't use are irrelevant. I have been living with a box or two next to a cathode ray tube TV since the days of...
  30. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    Well, that makes me happier about BI. My cameras are "AI-rich", and the "big Momma" NVR will be the "AI-rich" NVR 608 64 XI. (If a cleverer one becomes available in the meantime, it'll be that later model). My goal would be to ensure a system over time that never generates false positives. In...