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  1. R


    I spoke to him regarding this. He no longer uses no ip. Just go to your ddns but use https and it works
  2. R


    Restart computer and quickly launch stunnel gui. If you open cmd with admin and type in netstat -a See what the port is listening to.
  3. R

    Odd problem... Camera can't be accessed by 1 computer in network

    I noticed it did it again little after I shut down sadp. I turned it back on and camera was available to be accessed from the computer again... I just left sadp run for now. I'm pretty sure it's something with the computer network and nothing to do with camera. It will be a hard one to...
  4. R


    So I realized my stunnel had frozen (became non responsive) in the severwl hours I had it running. I wasn't able to login.A restart made it work again (not the service but gui) how stable is it for you guys?
  5. R


    where is the stunnel cert kept? I thought in documents but I was wrong.
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    Odd problem... Camera can't be accessed by 1 computer in network

    Just tried that too actually... no go.. I had an older SADP installed on that computer which used to crash the computer. I just uninstalled that, and re-installed the latest one from the downloads here. As soon as I ran that, the camera came back to life on that computer. Not sure how that can...
  7. R

    Odd problem... Camera can't be accessed by 1 computer in network

    No NVR, just Blue Iris They are on the same subnet. It's all one network. (also, like I said the image will randomly come in and out, like a weak connection) Camera > POE Inj > Ethernet Switch (The one all cameras are connected on) > Computer. All under same subnet (computer
  8. R

    Odd problem... Camera can't be accessed by 1 computer in network

    Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is the right place since I'm positive this is a network problem, but I don't think we have a network page so I figured I ask here in hopes we can figure it out... I have 5 cameras (all hikvision) and all work perfect. I use them with BI and all is accessible...
  9. R

    How to setup HTTPS (I guess with stunnel?)

    I noticed this happens when the port is being usedtype netstat -abm I think (Googled last night) and it will show you if your is being used. Mine was weird cuz everything kept using it (Dropbox, svchost, one drive) so I restarted and without waiting, I quickly launched the gui and it seemed to...
  10. R

    How to setup HTTPS (I guess with stunnel?)

    Sending you PM
  11. R

    How to setup HTTPS (I guess with stunnel?)

    Ok will do... Another problem I have is when I restart, the gui for stunnel fails.
  12. R

    How to setup HTTPS (I guess with stunnel?)

    Nope, I'm getting this on the stunnel config thing. It pops up as soon as I attempt to get on UI3 from chrome. I tried edge, and also same thing with the blue iris app
  13. R


    I tried it again today. I did it exactly as video, down to using same ports... I am still getting WSAECONNREFUSED (10061) I cannot figure out what that error is to fix it... Very unfortunate. Anyone have an idea? I installed the latest (5.50 64bit) one... edited to add - I changed the...
  14. R

    How to setup HTTPS (I guess with stunnel?)

    I tried it again today. I did it exactly as video, down to using same ports... I am still getting WSAECONNREFUSED (10061) I cannot figure out what that error is to fix it... Very unfortunate.
  15. R

    How to setup HTTPS (I guess with stunnel?)

    Did it exactly like the video. I made sure the [blueiris] was in the right spot too (client or server, I forget now) I restarted the computer to see if that would help, and now the script won't even run. Out of anger I gave up, so I'm little dissapointed.I even uninstalled and reinstalled. I...
  16. R

    How to setup HTTPS (I guess with stunnel?)

    I've been trying to get this to work, but I keep getting - connection refused (WSAECONNREFUSED) (10061) on the console bummer... Can't figure out what it is
  17. R

    How to setup HTTPS (I guess with stunnel?)

    Thanks... Just what I was looking for. Didn't think they'd have a video for that... Is there a way to get the cert signed/validated?
  18. R

    How to setup HTTPS (I guess with stunnel?)

    Hey there, I noticed there something for stunnel in the settings that would allow me to have a https... Not sure how this works, but I guess I need to install and setup something called stunnel. How can I get this to work, so when I access my web gui remote, I'm logging in via HTTPS? Is there...
  19. R

    Camera Keeps resetting it's own password

    @alastairstevenson UPDATE - Technical error on my end. I will leave it here if anyone runs into the same problem like me... When I unplugged the camera, I unplugged it from the router thinking it'll reset the camera. I didn't think about the fact that the POE injector was still supplying power...
  20. R

    Tips on lowering CPU usage

    Nice! Are those the little tiny computers? The 8th gens are great. My gaming rig has one. I'm at like 30% now with GUI off and accessing via app or browser, I'll live with that.
  21. R

    Blue Iris UI3

    Hello, I'm loving UI3 so far... I need to figure out ideal settings for me and that will take some time to understand. I will start with this one question though so I can be guided in the right direction.... When I check my HDD usage, I get a notification that says - Reported disk info is...
  22. R

    Camera Keeps resetting it's own password

    Just realized the UPnP was enabled by default on this fw. I thought it was disabled. I also thought "hik-connect" is what they called UPnP. I just logged into my IP address and was able to access that camera. I found the actual UPnP under network>basic settings>nat and unchecked it. No longer...
  23. R

    Camera Keeps resetting it's own password

    Awesome, so the install will be same as I did it before except the 1st part with the hikvision tftp or whatever it was. system will still be listening on though. I can just connect to it without changing my IP then. I'll have putty connect to I will give it a try tonight...
  24. R

    Camera Keeps resetting it's own password

    Thanks @alastairstevenson I have the same camera somewhere else in my house. That one is like version 5.1.6 or something (def R0 as the OSD weekday is in Chinese lol). That's not bricked however. I guess where I'm confused is, how do I put the camera into "min-system recovery mode" when it's...
  25. R

    Camera Keeps resetting it's own password

    Ahh ok. So instead of doing the thing where I change my computer's ip to .128 to push that brickfixv2, I just install it from the web gui. Then I'd just connect to camera using its own ip via putty and tftp32 to do the mdt hack using the /dav/ command? I'm not sure what R0 series is...
  26. R

    R0 / DS-2CD2x32 BrickfixV2 brick recovery and full upgrade tool - enhanced.

    So how do I do it if it's not bricked? Which part am I skipping? you go straight to telnet part? My problem was trying to update to 5.4.41 instead of 5.4.5... you must go to 5.4.5, nothing before, or you'll have to consecutively update.
  27. R

    Camera Keeps resetting it's own password

    I got it up and running with the latest EN fw guys. Thanks! Now when I have time, I will do it to the rest of the cameras... but I need to figure out how to do it without a bricked device lol.
  28. R

    R0 / DS-2CD2x32 BrickfixV2 brick recovery and full upgrade tool - enhanced.

    I got it to work! Now my question is, I did this on a bricked device. How do I do the mtd hack only so I can upgrade my devices? I assume this method only works for bricked devices?
  29. R

    Camera Keeps resetting it's own password

    ahhh... Gotcha, no more use of any kind of password reset tool. Better remember your security q&a! lol
  30. R

    Camera Keeps resetting it's own password

    Me being the curious cat. I started doing some digging... I can't believe how easy it is to "hack" these cameras. I don't even want to call it hacking because it's so easy. All you have to do is go to shodan and search for a specific string which is on the internet already. then you use a...