Search results

  1. P

    California and Washington State : FFL required in CA to have CCTV / security cameras .. WA following CA

    And three more things. I want to really thank the Blue Iris community. I searched and searched all the old posts. Trying to absorb all the info I could. I made multiple posts with questions and got quick answers. I reached out to numerous forum members individually for their advice and got...
  2. P

    BI Dream Machine

    I have both of these issues but wasn’t super concerned. It would be nice to not have the delay for some of the cameras. Maybe I can start with those and see what the processor does. I was trying to wait till I had all 48 cameras and AI running before anything else. See how this system handles...
  3. P

    BI Dream Machine

    Why don’t you like them? Just curious, i like hearing from everyone. Always good new ideas out there. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. P

    BI Dream Machine

    Yes, using substreams for sure. I wonder if should try shutting them down and just see what happens? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. P

    FPS Question

    Should it show 15/15? Or 15/1?
  6. P

    FPS Question

    In my cameras settings. There is a ROI tab. ROI is set to lowest. Would that affect it?
  7. P

    FPS Question

    Nope. None of the AI is enabled.
  8. P

    FPS Question

    It’s a Bolide, it’s a better camera. I think you are right. I need to shit down all the AI and other non used setting in the camera. Thank you!
  9. P

    BI Dream Machine

    Haven’t started it yet, just getting everything setup. I have 14 internal HDs that have now been setup. I’m gonna use Drivepool to combine some hard drives tomorrow. I have two external HDD enclosures coming tomorrow with hard drives. I have 22 new cameras showing up monday. Then I’ll start...
  10. P

    Too many hard drives

    Thank you. I’ve been looking at drivepool as an option.
  11. P

    Too many hard drives

    Would that be a raid 0? Never mind, I just looked. They are one but independent. This could be a good option for me. Thank you!
  12. P

    Too many hard drives

    Blue Iris only had 13 Aux drives. I have 20 HDs. Any thoughts on how to handle this? One thought was a Raid 5 for some of the drives as one large drive for some of the cameras. Thanks!
  13. P

    Is it possible to set up a backup to ftp once a day?

    This would be great. Did you happen to find a solution?
  14. P

    365 days of saved video/ audio help

    How much is digital watchdog roughly?
  15. P

    365 days of saved video/ audio help

    The new law required recording 24/7 365 day. The law allows Ca DOJ and ATF the ability to access footage without a warrant, kinda. We can say no. Then our ffl is immediately revoked.
  16. P

    365 days of saved video/ audio help

    Yep. I was testing that today. The inside of the business is well lit and the current camera locations at 2mp and 1024 bit rate appear to be adequate for identification. But I want some documentation, best practices, and industry standards to backup what I’m doing. I will probably go with...
  17. P

    365 days of saved video/ audio help

    I try not to get caught up in the whys and hows of the laws when dealing with all this. Otherwise I just get angry. I have to stick with the realty of situation.
  18. P

    365 days of saved video/ audio help

    I have read 70-100 ppf is the standard. 3mp at 2024 bit rate should be plenty.
  19. P

    365 days of saved video/ audio help

    I also plan to build a new computer. My machine does great but I have a feeling it will start to show its age. Planned purchase I9 128gb Ram Graphics card that will help BI
  20. P

    365 days of saved video/ audio help

    I used the calculator and need about 60-70tb of space. I will probably build out to 80TB. This is where I just can’t decide my next step. I like the idea of blue iris backing up to a RAID 1 or RAID 5 setup. I want hot swap capability for either way. RAID 5 will be cheaper but if there are two...
  21. P

    365 days of saved video/ audio help

    So far I am preparing based on what the law says. We probably won’t get the regulations till December or January. With any other FFL violation, we run the risk of having our FFL shut down. So backup/ redundancy is important.
  22. P

    365 days of saved video/ audio help

    All FFLs (firearm dealers) in California starting Jan 1, 2024 must follow this new for audio/ video recording.
  23. P

    Cameras suddenly not recording

    Agreed. I normally find what I’m looking for when I have an issue. I guess I was kinda scrambling what the issue would be to search.
  24. P

    Cameras suddenly not recording

    Jrbeddow, I owe you a coffee or cigar if you are ever in Orange County. Thank you, that worked. I didn’t even think of a rebuild.
  25. P

    Cameras suddenly not recording

    Yes. I do this already. For windows and blue iris. Thanks!
  26. P

    Cameras suddenly not recording

    Doing this right now! Thanks.
  27. P

    Cameras suddenly not recording

    So, I discovered this morning that none of my cameras are recording. I checked all my settings and can’t seem to locate the reason. I have 26 cameras and five hard drives. The cameras are split up to record to different drives. I’ve used the same setup for years with no issues like this. I’m...
  28. P

    Switch from BI4 to BI5, now I have high CPU and Memory usage

    Nope. It has been going up on its own. It was a stable 25-30% cpu and 10-12 gig ram usage before the update.
  29. P

    Switch from BI4 to BI5, now I have high CPU and Memory usage

    I don’t believe I’m in Demo mode. I purchase the update. How do I know for sure?