Search results

  1. H

    YoloV5 6.2 training module

    As part of the instruction to setup a train model you click on the Classes section and it goes away and downloads these for you to select which one you want for a custom set. Thing is it appears to show 'Downloading...' for a long time without any results. Is this correct (I do have a 1gb...
  2. H

    GPU Card

    Not as big a setup as yours but I have a 5 camera system running CodeprojectAI. I had a very basic graphics card (wthout GPU). Got a cheap £40 Nvidia GTX970 card and setup from scratch and am very pleased with the result. So I am usre a newer card with a greater spec will reap rewards. I wasnt...
  3. H

    Cuda required?

    Just an update on this. I had YOLOv8 running for around 24 hours. Working fine, no errors whatsoever, but I did check all the alerts and I felt it wasn't classifying them very well compared to YOLOv5.NET i.e. a person was being identified but classified as a car whilst YOLOv5.NET was showing...
  4. H

    Cuda required?

    So apologies for my second numpty question but I am getting my head around all these components. My system had a Gt710 card installed with BI and Codeproject AI running. Within Codeproject AI I had Yolov5.NET running and it would only run in CPU mode, which I understand given the spec of the...
  5. H

    Codeproject AI configuration with BI

    I currently have BI setup with Codeproject AI on a Win11 machine (Amd Ryzan 5 3600). It works ok, monitoring 5 IP cameras and overall I get decent AI matches. I am also using YOLOv5.NET. I also have a very low spec video card - NVIDIA GeForce GT710. Tried setting up CUDA but failed. Firstly...
  6. H

    Hi from England (Leeds)

    First post here. Have been a Blue Iris user for several years with a 5 camera domestic setup. Recently added Codeproject AI and must say I am very impressed. Just acquired a Stix GTX 970 GPU (yes I know its old but it was very cheap) to replace a very cheap and low spec graphics card so will...